Regdefelis Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Regdefelis is the united tribal system of Leonins that were from the Ethereal plane by the Old Ansko Empire in The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars.


Their history of oppression and eventual freedom may shape their values, traditions, and worldview. They hold concepts such as freedom, resilience, and justice and the need of security within their tribes.


Imprisonment in the Ethereal Plane
The Leonins of Regdefelis were once held captive or imprisoned in the ethereal plane by the Old Ansko Empire. The Ansko empire had a hard time to fight the leonin infested island and had decided on banishing them as the more efficient way of fighting.  
Liberation by the Dragonborn Empire
At some point in history, the Dragonborn Empire of the Old Ansko Empire played a role in freeing the imprisoned Leonins from the ethereal plane.  
Reformation of Regdefelis
Following their liberation, the freed Leonins banded together to form the united tribal system known as Regdefelis few months after the war.


Unknown to many, the old Leonins in the Astral are still living today, ever vigorous, like they are not aging, however their children are aging as normal Leonin. Many attribute it to the essence of the Ethereal plane. Thus, the collective strength and power of the Leonins in Regdefelis cis a formidable force in terms of military capabilities. Each individual being strong and powerful means that the Tribes possess a highly skilled and formidable warrior population.

Technological Level

Advanced Weaponry and Armor
With access to these special metals, the Leonins of Regdefelis could craft exceptional weapons and armor almost as good of those of dwarven master smiths and Sehan Elves. The weapons forged from Astral Metals possess increased sharpness, easier to enhcant and are usuualy adapting to channel elemental around them.   The Astral Metals in Astralor hold deep cultural and spiritual significance for the Leonins of Regdefelis. They consider it sacred. The Leonins incorporate these metals into their ceremonies, architecture, and religious artifacts.


The Tribes follow Safwah mainly.

Foreign Relations

The relationship between Regdefelis and the Dragonborn after their liberation is most hostile toward Kingdom of Anska and with great mistrust toward the Grand Empire of Arkolion
Founding Date
Unknown - Presumably 6,211 BB
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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