Warrior's Rest Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Warrior's Rest

To Truly Understand warrior's rest, it is to understand the eternal battle of Yesugei and Kord drive for war and battle. Forever sending petitioners to fight each other, claiming one territory and the other, ever gaining ground and losing it.
  Warrior's Rest, is a divine realm in Limbo, with perhaps the most misleading title in the whole cosmology, the theme of Warrior's Rest is battle, and each petitioner has no constant loyalty to a deity. When a petitioner is slain in combat during one of the endless chaotic battles, he or she rises again on the team that brought him or her down. The terrain of Warrior's Rest is similar to rocky badlands on the Prime Material plane. However, the nearby terrain can be manipulated by the will of those with sufficient wisdom to provide cover and other tactical advantages for battle.   The realm of Warrior's Rest is anything but restful. The realm is even more violent than the plane of Asgard, defined by its endlessly raging battles. Like in Asgard, any that "died" would simply lie on the ground until their wounds healed, at which point they would fight for the one who defeated them. Permanent death is reserved as a punishment for those who show cowardice on the battlefield, generally in the form of Kord of Yesugei withholding regeneration immediately before a quick and final death.            


Many titans are native to Warrior's Rest, and they join in the ongoing battle with joy. Also, githzerai built a fortress and several monasteries amid the chaotic battles.  


The petitioners of Warrior's rest include soldiers, generals, strategists, barbarians, and many other combat oriented individuals. They appear as they did in the prime of their lives and in the peak of their physical shape, glowing with health. All seek union with their deity through participation in the great wars, and so are granted extraordinary resilience to acid, fire, cold, and electricity damage, as well as regenerative powers.  

Access to Warrior's Rest

There are no known portals to or from Warrior's Rest.
Alternative Name(s)
Knight's Rest;
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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