Fennimar Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Fennimar os a forest realm in the plane of Limbo. It is the divine realm of Fenmarel Mestarine.  
Notable Locations
The only artificial structures in the realm are numerous waystations designed to aid travelers in need. Although mostly uninhabited, these locations are always kept supplied with clothes and food, most notably by Avery Arrinson.  
Fennimar serve as a training ground and as a retreat for human and elven rangers, as well as people requiring solitude. It is also inhabited by isolated hermits. No organized communities exist anywhere in the realm.


The realm is a stretch of forest surrounded by a perilous mountain range that is nearly impossible to traverse. This arrangement keep unwelcome visitors such as slaadi at bay. The forest itself has numerous glades, valleys and streams, inhabited by the same sort of sylvan creatures that can be found in Arvandor.   The weather is extremely chaotic and unpredictable in the realm, a reflection of the plane in which it is located. Conditions change rapidly and wildly without warning.
Magical Realm
Location under


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