Living Wood Material in Theras | World Anvil

Living Wood

Living Wood is a special wood, usually a part of living-wood creature, like a Dryad or Treant and can be found in special trees from the Verdant Wilds.   This wood is reknowned for its special regenarative capabilities, usually found in Eryndor's Stronghold, cities and ship of Mauime- -o eccaia and Lirithil. Needless to say, this is a sought item in many nobles residencies, both elven and non-elven.   The Material possesses an enchanting emerald hue and extraordinary magical properties. Strikingly, when livewood trees are cut down, they don't succumb to death but instead cease growing altogether. Despite this halt in growth, livewood remains vibrantly alive. Craftsmen can work with livewood much like regular hardwood, all the while it maintains its living essence. For the most part, livewood behaves like any other wood.

History & Usage

Everyday use

It is rumored that Weapons of Living wood have special effects on vampires.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Intriguingly, certain dryads choose to inhabit livewood trees instead of oak ones. These dryads vehemently oppose the felling of their trees, similar to other dryads, but the demise of their livewood tree doesn't result in their death. Curiously, it doesn't sever their connection to the tree either. Consequently, dryads can be found dwelling within livewood objects, ranging from buildings and furniture to ships.
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