Magistrate Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil


A magistrate can either refer to a local low-ranking ruler with varying spheres of influence and responsibilities in Grausur, the head of government in the Paquecian Republic, or a local delegate in the Republic of Waleapia.  
In Sabersycha
In the Principality of Sabersycha, a magistrate is any ruler subservient to one of the principality's seven lords. As such, they are usually considered to be equal in power to barons in other countries.  
In Peraserasia
Most magistrates in the Diarchy of Peraserasia are low ranking bureaucrats, charged with overseeing hamlets and small villages. The role is often delegated to the lowliest nobles or to trusted servants; while for the former it is usually a form of a soft exile, for common folk it serves as a certain path for nobility.  
In Paquesia
In the Paquecian Republic, the head of government is called a magistrate, in stark contrast to the role of a magistrate in Grausur and the Prasri countries.  
In Waleapia
In the Republic of Waleapia, a magistrate is one of the twelve regional rulers of each dzielnica.
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