Waleapia Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Republic of Waleapia (Respublika Waleapiana in Walvika) is a nation in western Rakion, bordering on Keatis and the League of Balikhan to the east and sharing the Keatian Cape with Sova Daris.



Waleapia is divided into twelve okręgi (singular okręg), each governed by a Magistrate responsible for their proper function within the republic. Magistrates are elected by the denizens of their okręg, although some are elected from a relatively small pool of candidates; the eligibility of voting denizens varies between one okręg and another.  
  1. Okręg Sigoniczny - This district is home to Waleapia's capital Sigon and is the heart of the republic. The Magistrate of this district is tasked with ensuring that the republic's unique government operates smoothly. Additionally, the magistrate serves as the city's mayor, and is responsible for every civilian aspect within it, be it infrastructure, justice, law enforcement, trade, or any other non-martial affair. Voters for the role of magistrate must have either fought for the Waleapian army, own land, or paid over 500 gp in taxes over the past three years.
  2. Okręg Smokaczny - The southernmost district is unusually cold, even when accounting for its increased elevation. The magistrate of this district is tasked with maintaining cordial diplomatic relations with the League of Balikhan and and ensuring the okręg is able to supply the rest of the republic with Rootbeet, which only grows in cold climate and is one of two beets used for brewing Burakwino, Waleapia's national drink.
  3. Dosłownysmoka - With freezing cold temperatures, this okręg is unhinhabitable yet crucial to control as a major trade route passes through it. The district's magistrate is a military general, and save for a few locals, houses only military garrisons.
  4. Okręg Przygraniczna -The eastmost okręg, stretching across the entire border with The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis, is under martial law as of 1051 due to the political instability in Keatis and the resulting refugee crisis. In times of peace, the district is of a very mercantile nature, and its magistrate is chosen from among the local traders.
  5. Okręg Wyspagniewu - An island to the west within the Sea of Wrath, this district houses three mining communities and a lighthouse crucial to maritime navigation, rendering it the second least populated okręg after Dosłownysmoka. The magistrate is chosen from within the mining communities, a pool of several hundred candidates.
  6. Okręg Przylądekea - The northmost okręg, on the edge of the Keatian Cape.
  7. Okręg Vielezek - Home to Dawilkazeka to which two rivers feed and from which three split. Large fields, supplying 60%-70% of Waleapia's grain. The magistrate of this district is responsible for ensuring that the river remains navigable and that the region's shipping industry is successful.
  8. Okręg Obfitałąka - Orchards and livestock, the first easternmost area of the Keatian Hinterlands. Home to many pastoral communities. The magistrate of this district is responsible for promoting the region's livestock industry and ensuring that the grasslands remain healthy.
  9. Okręg Połuprzy - A small cape between the Sigoniczny okręg and the Dosłownysmoka okręg. With a large dense forest to the northeast, it is home to many hunters and woodcutters. The magistrate of this district is responsible for ensuring that the forests are not overexploited and that the hunters operate safely, while also supplying any demands for lumber and game.
  10. Okręg Białaskała - A sparsely populated okręg, housing a prominent white castle.
  11. Okręg Cztery Młyny - Small in size and densly populated, this okręg has two powerful rivers flowing in it, allowing it to support a lucrative watermilling industry and its many denizens.
  12. Okręg Szaraskała - The newest okręg, founded in 1023 AB on land originally under the Białaskała and Przylądekea okręgi in order to settle a dispute, with the land each of the okręgi demanded of the other being confiscated and joined to make a new okręg.


The republic attempts to be as democratic as possible, with a grand senate gathering once per season and a small senate holding daily audiences. In times of uncertainty, be they of martial, fiscal, or social nature, a Consul is nominated for a year and are tasked with seeing the republic through. Rarely, though not unheard of, the role of consul is assumed by Aelis of Waleapia herself.  
The Small Senate
The Small Senate is Waleapia's permanent senate, and is comprised of 280 senators which gather almost every day. Each senator is elected for a five year term, with the senate being divided into four groups that are re-elected consecutively, leading to the senate having new members every year. The number of senators increased gradually from 76, to 142, to 200, and to 280 in 972, 984, 996, 1008 AB respectively. As of 1051, both senates are in consensus that the small senate needs no further additions.  
The Grand Senate
The Grand Senate gathers four times a year for a single week, in the middle of every season. It is comprised of 350 members, which include the small senate and 70 additional representatives; those representatives, all of whom are craftsmen, professionals, and communal leaders, are randomly selected by their local Magistrate and are called Tribunes. A tribune's vote counts as four regular votes, giving the tribunes a total of 280 votes, equaling the senators.   If a proposal or notion remains undecided at the end of the week, the grand senate is extended an additional week and a Small Consul (Consuliak in Walvika) is nominated; this time is given for them to ponder the case so that may serve as a tiebreaker. While voting on the undecided issues only takes place at the end of the second week, other notions may presented throughout it. The grand senate, including the small consul, may vote on them as well, though they can remain unresolved.   A proposal in the grand senate may not be reintroduced in the small senate, and though not strictly enforced, this is very unlikely to go unnoticed; a law will eventually reach the ears of last season's tribunes, and likely before it is passed. In past cases where a notion was reintroduced it was quickly retracted: a notable example is in 1021, when a proposal to increase the pay of both senators and tribunes was rejected in the grand senate and reintroduced in the small one; this quickly lead to widespread riots stirred by the tribunes for nearly a month, ending with the retraction.
Founding Date
1,000 AB
Geopolitical, Republic
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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