Niflheim Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Niflheim, also called Northmen's Despair is the second layer, also called second gloom, of Hades.   Niflheim consists mostly of forestland with bluffs that jutting out, which quickly fall away. Put simply, the layer looked like a gray version of a forestland on the Prime Material plane.   Niflheim has no disease problem like Oinos, the first layer, has. The air is cooler than on Oinos. This gives rise to fog. This fog has some properties that made life on Nilfheim harder. First, vision is limited. Even with darkvision, people can not see further than 100 feet (30 meters) at most. Second, the mist has sound impeding effects. These two make predators, of which trolls, fiendish dire and normal wolves are the most common, dangerous. Third, the resulting dampness cause non-tended metal to rust.  
Notable Locations
Death of Innocence The town is unique as its citizens do not succumb to the hopelessness and apathy of Hades.  
Viliki Cainor She is the leader of the town Death of Innocence and the reason why its citizens do not fall into apathy like everywhere else on Hades.
Alternative Name(s)
Northmen's Despair, Second Gloom
Location under


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