Ordo Crusaders Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Ordo Crusaders

The Ordo Crusaders were the original Sirilians as they had a warrior code known as the Ordosi Swear of Fealty.   The ways of the Ordo Crusaders were known by all, until a potential leader that wanted to renew the ways of old, Sif-Agol, was killed in a duel with Guillaume, where his crusade was ended again.   The Ordo Crusaders held true to their heart, at least, until Sif-Agol's was killed in the duel. Many Sirilians back then left back to their lands, having lost their way.   The Ordo Crusaders believed that only half-giants, giants or those with giant blood, can truly be one with the Ordosi Swear of Fealty, however this belief was utterly dissipated with the dream of new Siril done.

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