Sif-Agol Character in Theras | World Anvil


Tall-Lord of the North

Sif-Agol was a lesser prince from Albrid who had challanged and conquered Zhentian, the citadel over the passage of the Channel with many giants.   Sif-Agol was a cunning leader and the new spirit of the Ordo Crusaders reborn, who had given the Arasilian a fight like they have never forgotten, until Sir Guillaume, the Platinum knight challanged him in three contests, only to save the people in the battles there. The Three contest were given to each one them, representing the skill they sought to control.   Sif-Agol was responsible for the rejuvenation of the Ordo Crusaders as the giant based culture had found new spark to the Ordosi Swear of Fealty.  
  1. The Dominition
    Sir Guillaume and Sif-Agol had each to befriend a chieftain of Giants and an adult Dragon, respectively.
  2. The Outsiding
    An Ancient Ritual in Arasil, which involve helping the outer good realms in their quests. Both Sides had agreed to partake in such war, each to their own side.
  3. The Expansion
    Each one of them, had to travel to the underdark... While Sif-Agol had the 'easier' task and established an underground city and held the Drows, Sir Guillaume drew the short straw, and he with The Copper Company had destroyed an Ilithid's City.
  After the tasks of each one them were agreed and validated by the god Kord (or atleast, his servant), they had to battle each other as they both had mastered the three tasks that were beset on them and Sir Guillaume proved to be his better.    
Two princes, with swords in hand,
A duel to the death, they both did plan
For two long days, they fought with might
Their blades did clash, in the morning light   One prince was young, with eyes of blue
The other, old, with hair of hued
But both were fierce, both were brave
And both sought victory, in their own way   On the first day, the young prince took lead
With swift strikes, his opponent did bleed
But the old prince, he was not done
With a roar, he struck, and the duel begun   The young prince faltered, as the old pressed on
His strength waning, as the day was gone
But he rallied, with a fierce resolve
And so, the battle raged on, still unresolved   And on the second day, the tide did turn
The old prince, with his experience did burn
Through the lines of the young
And victory, at last, did he bring   But as the old prince stood victorious
He looked upon the young prince's corpse
And knew that this victory, it came at a cost
For both princes, in the end, were lost   And so, the two princes dueled for two days
And in the end, both had lost their ways
For in the pursuit of honor and pride
They had lost their own lives, side by side
— The bard's tale of the Duel
825 AB 870 AB 45 years old
Circumstances of Death
Duel with Sir Guillaume
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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