Guillaume Character in Theras | World Anvil


Sir (a.k.a. The Wrathbringer, Platinum Lnight, Kingsguard, Baron of Nars Fields, rider Of Draxxes the Bronze, Knight of the Order of the Golden Swan)

Sir Guillaume, was the field marshal of the copper company, after the previous field marshal died. His deeds are many and he reached the old age of 270, blessed with youth after his training as a platinum knight, he led his regiments to the underdark to support the Minotaurs that dwelt there. He died during the battle of the bridge defending the dwarven clan of Cathil. Sir Guillaume led the charge against the Barbarians of the land of Siril during the dragon wars and killed their prince in a duel that lasted for 2 days. His daughter married the High Justice King of Arasil in 856 AB   Sir Guillaume fought to death with Sif-Agol.
801 AB 1021 AB 220 years old
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