Ordosi Swear of Fealty Document in Theras | World Anvil

Ordosi Swear of Fealty

Ordosi Swear of Fealty or Ordosi is the name for a tradition that started in Siril.   Ordosi is the warrior code of the Ordo Crusaders and Neo-Ordo Crusaders, though the former are almost non-existent.

Historical Details


In ancient times, the forefathers of the Siril were highly religious, and they regarded warfare as a sacred ritual to honor their gods. However, over the course of millennia, the society underwent significant changes. The complex holy laws they once followed eventually gave way to the simpler Canons of Honor, and the act of waging war itself became the central object of their worship. Every military campaign they embarked upon was elevated to the status of a holy crusade, provided it held the promise of bringing about divine carnage. Amongst these campaigns, the most significant one was the Swear of Fealty.   The Canons of Honor played a vital role in the culture of the warriors, enabling them to earn prestige and distinction by fighting in battles and displaying unwavering loyalty to their clans. While the Neo-Ordosi movement relied on conscription and actively recruited warriors to join their ranks, the Crusaders took a different approach. They inspired people to join their cause by leading through personal examples and demonstrating their commitment to their values.

Public Reaction

The Ordosi Creed, which some Sirilians regarded as tales for children, was a set of guidelines that defines true Ordosi behavior. It encompasses principles such as loyalty, solidarity, aiding fellow Ordosi, and keeping one's promises. One of its central tenets is that Ordosi are responsible for caring for young children until they were reunited with their own people or matured. Rescuing Ordosikin was the highest honor of the Ordosi. The Swear of Fealty also includes ancient songs and prophecies that warned of destruction if one strayed from its teachings. Upon reaching adulthood, Neo-Ordo Crusaders undergo an Ordosi initiation ceremony and recited the Fealty's words.


As young Neo-Ordo Crusaders children, a rhyme was imparted upon them to help instill the core beliefs of their culture, which were encapsulated in the eight tenets of the Ordosi. The rhyme emphasized the significance of learning the Ordos language, donning the Ordosi armor, being able to safeguard oneself and their family, exhibiting loyalty towards the Ordosi, and nurturing one's offspring with these values.
Text, Religious
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth
Authoring Date
760 BB


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