Anvil Towers Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil

Anvil Towers

"I am the hammer. Let these towers be my anvil."
— Rhodduw decreeing the construction of the towers.
The Anvil Towers is a chain of five fortified towers along the north-eastern shores of the Diarchy of Peraserasia. Constructed according to the orders and specifications of Rhodduw y Morthwyl, they serve as a defensive line against pirate raids and seaborne invasions. The name was given by Rhodduw's court druid at the time, referring to Rhodduw saying quoted above.

Purpose / Function

The chain was built to address the constant pirate raids that troubled the diarchy for decades.


Originally three towers were planned and they were named appropriately as the first, second, and last tower. However, following their great success at their designated purpose, two more were built in the barony of Ybaehael.


Despite their martial purpose, the towers are considered to be inspiring structures. The chain is frequented by artists such as writers which draw inspiration from the view or painters who wish to capture it.
The furthermost tower of Cynatftwr
A painting of Olafftwr
Founding Date
1018 (Cynatftwr);
1019 (Ailftwr);
1020 (Olafftwr);
1028 (Twrarymor);
1040 (Twreaehelaeth);
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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