Scáthadóir Myth in Theras | World Anvil


In Prasri legends and folktales, Scáthadóir, or Cysgodwr (Shader or Shadowalker), is a mythical horse associated with the Shadowfell. In all stories, Scáthadóir is depicted as a pale and lithe horse that moves "as fast as the shadows" and has a second, endless tail, which can only be seen at night. He is described as a gift given by Nyx to Imon after the latter has fallen in love with the former.   His depictions and roles vary greatly between stories and traditions; he is depicted as a monster to be defeated, a noble steed that aids the protagonist after being subdued (or convinced), an ill omen of death, or a guardian spirit of Grausur that drives off intruders.

Historical Basis

Scáthadóir is considered to be a mere legend, and no reliable sources mention his apperance or involvement. However, when Dara the Deathless reclaimed his role as the Lord Colcamin in the late 1040's, he was seen riding a pale horse. It is currently unknown whether this is truely Scáthadóir or an attempt to strengthen his claim as the true ruler of Clochdor.
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