Clochdor Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Clochdor is the southeastern lordship of Sabersycha, ruled by House Colcamin. The Grausur Plague ravaged the area and eradicated the ruling house, and a strange curse took hold of the land. Plants are unable to grow in the soil, and the dead rise from their graves, rendering the entire area uninhabitable, with only two villages being populated as of 1050 AB.   As every other lordship, Clochdor historically filled a designated purpose. As Adhmadoíte is to agriculture and Thucuain is to commerce, Clochdor was to military and war. Its watchtowers and garrisons were built to last and still stand; however, they are completely abandoned, save the wraiths and wights that haunt them, all former men-at-arms of the fallen House Colcamin.

Localized Phenomena

The land is afflicted with the Clochdor Curse, which renders it devoid of life and riddled with undead.
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

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