Bráthair Tiarna Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Bráthair Tiarna

A Bráthair Tiarna, or Brother-Lord, is one of the seven lords of the Principality of Sabersycha. A Bráthair Tiarna rules one of the seven great noble houses and the lordship associated with it.


To become a Bráthair Tiarna, one must be a male belonging to one of the seven great houses of Sabersycha or their cadet branches. They must have demonstrated their loyalty and service to the lordship and have the support of not only the other Bráthair Tiarnas but also their ability to gather most vassal lords behind them. It was also expected that they possess significant military prowess and the ability to lead armies into battle, though nowdays this is only expected of the lords of Ardcathair and Clochdor, and Ísealcathair to a lesser extent.


All of the duties of a Lord can be simply summarized as ruling over their lordship and ensuring its prosperity and stability. They are responsible for maintaining law and order, collecting taxes, and providing justice for their subjects. Depending on the individual lordship, a Bráthair Tiarna also has specific responsibilites related to their domain: the Lord Tasgilla must handle trade and finances; the Lords Colcamin, Stríbheatha, and Fuaráin must hold standing armies and guard their borders; the Lord Lugaid is charged with the distrubition of crops; the Lord Eburio is the viceroy of the Prince of Sabersycha (assuming the prince isn't of house Eburio, in which case the Lord Fuaráin is the viceroy) and as the castellan of Miela; and the Lord Fedelmid is charged with safeguarding the nature of Grausur and the principality's adherence to its animist traditions.


Bráthair Tiarna have numerous and significant responsibilities. He must work to maintain the balance of power among the seven houses and ensure that none of them become too powerful or threaten the stability of the principality, while also maintaining a good relationship with his brother lords and work together to address any challenges that arise. Additionally, they advise and counsel the prince on matters of governance and strategy, and provide input on their area of expertise. Finally, they must maintain the traditions and customs of their noble house and ensure that their legacy endures for generations to come.

Notable Holders

Almost all brother-lords are notable in their own right; historically speaking, those who weren't exceptionally capable were either overthrown by their vassals and families or demoted by the other Bráthair Tiarna, or most commonly, both. However, the most noteworthy is the current Lord Colcamin Dara the Deathless: he rose to Undeath after dying in 893 AB and his house dissolving, Dara reclaimed his lordship and his status in the late 1040's.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Lord Brother
Source of Authority
Fellow Bráthair Thiarnaí; Vassal Lords
Length of Term
Past Holders
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