Sgiadubh Character in Theras | World Anvil


Cruel Sgiadubh , Vanquisher of Karonistez, Vanquisher of Azolnirnam, Vanquisher of Ivobareth, Vanquisher of Vamasaga, Vanquisher of Sisrythaval

Sgiadubh was a Black Dragon residing in modern day Ísealcathair slain by Peadaran Ón Aigéan Liath and his seven sons, led by Fuaráin the Patient.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sgiadubh was described as a "serpentine malevolence with a mangled form.". His scales were described as "fractured, broken; reforged by hatered, tempered in the fires of spiteful envy", lending credibility to a common belief that he used the scales of slain dragons to replace the scales he himself lost in battle. Like many black great wyrm dragon, his head was "a macabre sight, looking like a perfectly flensed skull", though with a "single chipped horn remaining as a testimony to his violent past...".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known, though he was supposedly exceptional as Grausur was traditionally ruled by red and green dragons ever since The Ashen Shore; additionally, his name indicates he has managed to defeat gold, silver and brass dragons, which are normally far stronger than black dragons.


Contacts & Relations

Among members of the Cult of the Serpent Sgiadubh is percieved as a desctructive force of evil, feared even by Yrsirelth himself at the time. Unlike the lord of Danneddraig, the lord of the marshlands was cruel and uncaring, not seeking to rule or even subjugate those he saw as inferior, merely to abuse them.
5000 (estimate)


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