House Fuaráin Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Fuaráin

House Fuaráin, also known as Cŵn Peadaran, is one of the seven major noble houses of Sabersycha. The house was founded by Fuaráin the Patient, Peadaran's second son, and control over the swampy Ísealcathair to the north-east.


Members of house Fuaráin are renknowned hunters and often go on long hunting journeys after dangerous creatures, such as Cuneidr, Sehainlight Lynxes, Baidhrau, and Yellow Devils. House members are folksy and austere, known for their hospitality and amicability towards guests and commoners alike. They rarely invoke their noble status and often turn to logic and reason when convincing others. Their pleasent demeanor is mostly attributed to the aforementioned hunting journeys, which include laying in ambush for days and sleeping outdoors for entire months, more often than not without any form of shelter other than leaves.

Public Agenda

Together with house Stríbheatha and house Colcamin, house Fuaráin is charged with maintaining signifcant martial capabilities while guarding the north-eastern border; said martial capabilities are not only against external threats, but also against monstrous internal threats, whose elimination is the house's responsibility. Additionally, the Lord Fuaráin acts as Sabersycha's viceroy when the Prince is of house Eburio

Salt is the land, Sweet is prosperity

Political, Family
Leader Title
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