Sharakzizir Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


In Sharakzizir did Ikh Bei-Tur
A palace for god-kings decree:
Where Alph, the queen's prism, shines
With colors measureless to man
To paint a sunless sea.
So twice twelve miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round;   And by where gardens bright with sinuous rills
From which drank many an incense-bearing tree;
And thundering hooves across the hills,
Beneath the pearlescent wings of she.
  Sabaliasiram Sharakzizir Bagihan Anagkhin, commonly known as Sharakzizir, is the capital of the Yokun Empire. It is the most populated city on Epeoris by far, with more than three times as many denizens as the second most populated city of Vintia.


Sharakzizir was built by Ikh Bei-Tur, a Yorgai warlord, who gained the blessing of Zir-Basam, which created the great prism atop the grand palace as a gift.
Founding Date
circa 600 AB.
Alternative Name(s)
The Empire's Opalescence
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Owning Organization
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