Sirilian Berserkers Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Sirilian Berserkers

The Sirlian berserkers, often pictured as Goliath warriors in a frenzy in the stories of old, are formidable combatants known for their ability to enter a near-feral state on the battlefield. Much like the Berserkers of Hexadömonir, they are highly respected within Sirilian society and the Ordo Crusaders, often considered second only to their spiritual leaders or shamans. These berserkers draw upon their immense physical strength and resilience to become unstoppable forces in combat, making them indispensable defenders and champions of their clans and tribes. They are revered for their unwavering dedication to their people and their willingness to embrace their inner fury when the need arises. In Sirilian culture, the role of berserkers is not just about martial prowess but also about protecting their communities and preserving their way of life.   The Berserkers are set into various of lodges, each named after indigenous beings found in the South Nahrso-Lands and each hold themselves superior to others in the overall, though the wisest shamans understand their differences, among the more famous ones are: The Fire-Infused Trolls, The Purple Worm, The Ice Trolls, The Two-Head Trolls, The Goblinoid, The Spriggan, The Glass Wyrm, The Gargoyle, The Minotaur, The Bear, The Necrophidius, The Terror Wolf, The Naga, The Ankhegs, The Brass Dragon and many less known.



Berserkers frequently favor lighter attire, such as leather or hide armor, with chainmail being the heaviest type of protection they occasionally opted for.   Certain skilled berserkers possessan array of distinctive weapons indigenous to their region, known as berserker blades (or axes). These weapons, when wielded by a warrior consumed by a berserker rage, experience significant enhancements in their effectiveness. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced when the weapons were crafted by the Giants.


The weapons which are used by the berserkers are the berserker blades or berserker axes. each sirllian Berserker upon been deemed worthy by the strongest berserker to be given a berserker blade needs to provide within 3 days a weapon upon which the Berserker has deep emotional connection for. The emotional connection embued in the weapon is usually rage and fury, but outliers exist within the different lodges. Most young warriors with ambitions for a a such a blade, are searching far and wild in order possess such a weapon - So they develop such an emotional connection. It is told, that some may even resort to great sins such as killing their parents, siblings and children in order to embue an emotional connection upon the weapon chosen for the task - imbuing it with rage and anger.   The Berserker blade, if wielded correctly may greatly enhance the effectiveness of one's rage at a degree which is unimagianeable. The Sirllian Berserkers have been known to completely changing the topography of a battlefield using these effects. Further more, the use of these weapons have been used to change effectively a losing to a winning hand in a battlefield of scale. Many deem it might have a great cost to must have been paid by the users to having to use such powers but none of the Berserkers had ever indeed confirmed it. Some will even testify to having seen a Berserker completely in action after performing such feats.


Much like their fellow Sirilian warriors, the berserkers asre structured into warbands known as Howling Hordes, consisting of 10 to 50 fighters. While they do not employ coordinated group strategies, berserkers assume the role of the vanguard within the Sirilian armies. Their primary function often involve shattering the enemy's front lines through their initial, ferocious charge.   Each lodge undertook the training of berserkers in a distinctive combat style, mirroring the characteristics of the beast or creature from which it draws inspiration.   To enter their frenzied states, berserkers utilize a method akin to self-hypnosis, coupled with a Furyfire Mead, which grants them several abilities. Those abilities differ by special ingredients that each lodge keeps highly secured and secret.   Such ability was encountered on the battlefield during The Tale of Two Princes when berserkers of the Ice Trolls, were effected by cold spells, causing them to regenerate.
Overall training Level


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