Solaris Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Solaris, the magnificent capital of the Bafigron Empire, stands as a testament to human achievement and grandeur. Comparable to the awe-inspiring city of Sil-Amas in Kingdom of Arasil, Solaris exudes a sense of opulence and majesty that captivates all who behold it.   Situated at the heart of the empire, Solaris embodies the epitome of architectural brilliance and divine inspiration. The city's skyline is adorned with towering spires, resplendent domes, and intricately carved monuments that reach towards the heavens. Every street and boulevard is meticulously designed to showcase the empire's grandeur and to inspire a sense of reverence among its inhabitants.

Industry & Trade

Trade and commerce flourish within the bustling markets and trading districts of Solaris. The city's strategic location and well-developed infrastructure make it a focal point for economic activity, attracting merchants and traders from far-flung corners of the empire and beyond. The wealth and prosperity generated by Solaris contribute to its reputation as a center of opulence and economic power.

Points of interest

Within the city, the presence of Helios, is felt in every facet of life. Magnificent temples dedicated to Helios dot the landscape, serving as sanctuaries for worship and places of pilgrimage. The divine magic that permeates Solaris imbues the city with a sense of holiness, fostering an atmosphere of spirituality and devotion.


Just like Sil-Amas, Solaris serves as a hub of political power and influence. It is the seat of the emperor, whose rule is steeped in tradition and divine sanction. The emperor's palace, a breathtaking edifice of marble and gold, stands as a testament to the emperor's authority and divine mandate.   Solaris is not only a center of governance and faith but also a thriving cultural and intellectual hub. The city boasts renowned academies, libraries, and artistic institutions that nurture the pursuit of knowledge, arts, and sciences. Scholars, artists, and thinkers from across the empire and beyond are drawn to Solaris to share their expertise and contribute to the city's rich cultural tapestry.
Founding Date
40 AB
Destruction Date
599 AB in Solaris' raid of 599
Reesatablishing Date
670 AB
Owning Organization


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