Starlight Eyes Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Starlight Eyes

The Starlight Eyes is an elven intelligence organization that primarily serves the Kingdom of Amon-Thal. Comprised of highly trained operatives, they specialize in gathering information, conducting surveillance, and ensuring the security and well-being of the kingdom. With their exceptional skills in observation and analysis, Starlight Eyes acts as the eyes and ears of the ruling council, monitoring internal and external threats and providing valuable intelligence to safeguard the interests of Amon-Thal.   The organization was founded in 672 BB during The War of Veiled Shadows to aid the Principality of Amon-thal.   The Starlight Eyes successfully exposed and neutralized numerous threats to the stability and security of Amon-Thal.


Starlight Eyes is organized into specialized divisions, each responsible for specific areas of intelligence gathering and analysis. The organization is overseen by a High Observer, who coordinates the efforts of various divisions and reports directly to the ruling council of Amon-Thal.   The High Observer itself, is a position appointed by the ruling council, serves as the head of Starlight Eyes. Below the High Observer, there are division leaders, skilled operatives chosen for their expertise in specific intelligence disciplines.


The Starlight Eyes employs a combination of traditional espionage techniques, magical surveillance, and diplomatic maneuvering. They maintain a vast network of informants, utilize divination and arcane magic for scrying and foreknowledge, and leverage their diplomatic connections to gather valuable intelligence.
Founding Date
672 BB
Ruling Organization
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