The Clochdor Curse Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

The Clochdor Curse

The Clochdor Curse, also known as the Colcamin Curse, is a curse that permeates the lands of Clochdor, Sabersycha. It prevents plant growth and causes the dead to rise into Undeath.


The curse does not, in fact, encompass the entirety of Clochdor. Centered around Clochdor Castle and spreading radially, it ends some miles before Cualin Creek, leaving a thin belt of uncorrupted land on which only two settlements, Cualin Village and Greystone remained. The curse cannot cross permanent bodies of water and thus does not affect the neighbouring Diarchy of Peraserasia, but still affects them by killing every organism that dwells in them, making them somewhat ironically the best drinking water in the known world. It is unknown what caused the curse; however, both it's focus on the castle and it not affecting any lands beyond the lordship gave rise to the hypothesis that the curse came to be as a form of punishment for house Colcamin.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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