Clochdor Castle Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil

Clochdor Castle (Clokh-Dor)

Clochdor Castle is a 7th century castle in south-eastern Sabersycha, built by Lord Dresic Colcamin. In the late 9th century, when a bubonic plague spread throughout Peraserasia, the castle's denizens isolated themselves within it and waited for the plague to settle. A decade later the castle's portcullis was still lowered, prompting the neighbouring noble to investigate it. No members of House Colcamin were ever found, and there was no evidence that could tell what caused their disappearance. Nowdays the castle stands abandoned, believed to be cursed.


Clochdor was built with basalt rocks imported from Ashinland.


Located near the border, Clochdor castle is well fortified and defended. It has two layers of curtain walls and a central keep.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Colcamin Castle
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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