The Emirate of Al Mdiya Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Emirate of Al Mdiya

The Emirate of Al Mdiya is a newly founded kingdom after a group of adventureres set thing into motion in the year 1,050 AB.  

Magic of the Crescent Elves

The Crescent Elves possess a unique brand of magic intertwined with their connection to the desert. They draw power from the arid landscapes, summoning sandstorms, manipulating desert winds, and harnessing the scorching heat to their advantage. Their magic is deeply tied to elemental forces, enabling them to shape sand into weapons, create illusions using mirage-like spells, and invoke the spirits of the desert for guidance. They revere the ancient rituals and ceremonies associated with desert magic, with powerful sorcerers serving as respected spiritual leaders within their society.


Al-Mdiya is governed by a council of elders, comprising influential leaders from different tribes within the Crescent Elves. Decision-making is based on consensus, with each elder representing the interests of their respective tribe. Although they have a collective leadership structure, the council's decisions are heavily influenced by the teachings of Elmae, their goddess of the desert. Disputes are resolved through mediation and the wisdom of the elders, ensuring unity and harmony among the tribes.


The Crescent Elves embrace a nomadic way of life, traversing the vast desert in search of sustenance and shelter. They have developed a profound understanding of desert survival, mastering techniques such as water conservation, sand navigation, and camel riding. Their culture emphasizes resilience, resourcefulness, and adaptability to the harsh desert environment. They possess a rich oral tradition, passing down stories, legends, and songs that celebrate their history and the glory of the desert.


The Crescent Elves have a formidable military force honed by their desert survival skills. They excel in hit-and-run tactics, utilizing swift cavalry and archers mounted on camels. Their warriors are skilled marksmen, capable of striking accurately even while in motion. They employ camouflage techniques to blend with the desert terrain, making them elusive and difficult to track. Their military strength lies in their agility, strategic thinking, and ability to exploit the desert's harsh conditions to their advantage.


Though they honor the recognize The Seldarine, they most exclusively venerate Elmae.   They believe that Elmae shaped the desert and granted them the resilience and strength to thrive in its harsh conditions. They worship Elmae through rituals, offerings, and prayers, seeking her guidance and protection. The desert itself is considered a sacred place, and the Crescent Elves consider their bond with Elmae as a sacred covenant. They draw inspiration from Elmae's teachings, emphasizing self-reliance, endurance, and reverence for the natural world.

Foreign Relations

The Crescent Elves hold a deep-seated disdain for other elves and outsiders, stemming from their unique cultural identity and the hardships they have endured. They view themselves as the chosen guardians of the desert, entrusted by Elmae to protect its secrets and maintain its delicate balance. This sense of superiority and isolation has led to an inherent distrust and skepticism towards outsiders. While they are not openly hostile, they are wary of sharing their knowledge and resources, preferring to keep their way of life secluded from other civilizations.

Trade & Transport

Despite their nomadic lifestyle, the Crescent Elves engage in trade with neighboring civilizations. They have developed a thriving caravan network that traverses the desert, connecting distant settlements and trading posts. They are renowned for their expertise in exotic goods such as spices, precious gems found in desert caves, handcrafted textiles, and intricate desert-inspired jewelry. Trade is a crucial aspect of their economy, allowing them to acquire essential resources and forge connections with other cultures.
Founding Date
1,050 AB
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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