The Sultans of Buqmat Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Sultans of Buqmat

The Sultans of Buqmat are Southern human that came into the lands of the south in the year 104 AB further south from the League of Balikhan, which came together as a confederation of Sultans.   The Sultans of Buqmat are known for their nomadic lifestyle, traversing vast stretches of land in search of resources and sustenance. They live in traditional tents and portable dwellings, constantly on the move to adapt to changing environments and seasons. Their deep connection to the land and their ability to thrive in diverse terrains make them skilled survivalists.   However, they do have several cities where all weapons are not permitted, except for those of Sarenrae and Ioun, for they understand the value of mercy and knowledge.


The Sultans of Buqmat are led by a council of elders known as the "Sultans". The Sultanates are governed by a Caliph, the supreme leader, guided by a council of advisors, the Mutakallimûn.   Local rulers, the Sultans, and lesser nobles pledge allegiance to the Caliph, deriving their authority from him. Each ruler maintains a sizeable bureaucracy overseen by viziers who act as ministers. These respected individuals possess wisdom, experience, and a deep understanding of the nomadic traditions. They make important decisions concerning the welfare of the group, routes of migration, and relations with neighboring factions.   Cooperation and unity are vital within the Sultanate. Nomadic families and clans work together, forming a cohesive community that supports and protects one another. Mutual aid, shared resources, and a sense of collective responsibility contribute to their survival and resilience in the face of challenges.   This bureaucratic apparatus, despite a surprising level of efficiency, is not without its flaws. Corruption among officials remains a persistent problem.


The nomadic lifestyle of the Sultans of Buqmat brings them into contact with settled communities, such as towns and cities. While they maintain trade relations, there can sometimes be tensions and misunderstandings due to differences in cultural practices and lifestyle. Nevertheless, the Sultans of Buqmat understand the importance of peaceful coexistence and strive to navigate these interactions through diplomacy and mutual respect.


In the centuries that followed the downfall of the Menedynn Empire, a new chapter unfolded in the arid lands once ruled by the efreeti. The Takistani Tribes, descendants of the Menedynn, ventured into these territories and established their own realms. They carved out their own domain within the deserts following the teachings of Arqmat. Drawing upon the traditions and customs of their forebears, they established a rich and vibrant culture, blending their human heritage with the influences of the efreeti lands.   As the Sultanate was established, tensions arose with the @keatis, a long-standing ally of The Bafigron Empire.   Conflicts between the Sultans of Buqmat, and the Kingdom of Keatis ensued, fueled by a complex web of political rivalries, territorial disputes, and religious differences. Battles were fought across the desert expanse as these factions vied for control and supremacy.   The vast desert became a battleground, witnessing clashes between powerful spellcasters, skilled warriors, and divine champions. Ancient magic clashed with fervent faith, as the descendants of the Menedynn Empire fought against the steadfast followers of Helios.   The strife between these factions persisted for generations, with victories and defeats marking the ebb and flow of power. Each conflict further shaped the cultural fabric and geopolitical landscape of the desert regions, leaving an indelible mark on the history of these lands.   Throughout the tumultuous clashes, alliances were forged and broken, borders shifted, and new leaders rose to prominence. The desert sands soaked up the bloodshed and became witness to tales of heroism, treachery, and the enduring spirit of those who fought for their ideals.


Religion plays a central role in Buqmatians society. Most Buqmatians adhere to the Arqmati Pantheon, a faith established by Arqmat that draws upon the traditions of desert nomads before them, following The Eternal Truth.   Nestled amidst the sweeping deserts and majestic oasis, lies the grandest temple of Sarenrae, the goddess of healing, redemption, Mercy and the sun. This magnificent sanctuary stands as a beacon of hope, radiating the divine presence of Sarenrae and serving as a spiritual center for the faithful across the land.

Foreign Relations

In the complex geopolitical landscape of the desert, the Sultans of Buqmat have taken note of the emerging power of the Crescent Elves and their newly established The Emirate of Al Mdiya. Seeing their growing influence as a potential challenge, the Sultans closely monitor the activities of the elves, wary of their ambitions and potential to upset the existing balance of power.   The Sultans of Buqmat view Jinnara as a potential source of strength and instability. On one hand, they recognize the resilience and diversity of the genasi population, seeing the potential for a formidable force. On the other hand, they perceive the unrest and the lingering effects of the ancient Genies vengeance as potential weaknesses to be exploited.   The Sultans of Buqmat carefully weigh their options regarding Jinnara, considering the delicate balance of power in the region. They understand that Jinnara's genasi inhabitants possess a unique heritage and a deep connection to the elemental forces, which can be both a source of strength and a potential threat. The sultans contemplate how best to approach this complex situation, seeking to either forge alliances or exploit divisions among the genasi population for their own gain.   As the Sultans of Buqmat navigate the intricate web of relationships and rivalries, they remain mindful of the growing power and influence of the Crescent Elves in Al Mdiya. The Sultans understand that strategic decisions made regarding the genasi and Jinnara could have ripple effects on their interactions with the elves and their plans for maintaining control over the desert realms.   The desert sands whisper with the anticipation of shifting alliances, secret negotiations, and the ever-present potential for conflict. The Sultans of Buqmat tread cautiously, aware that the delicate balance of power in the desert regions can be easily disrupted and that their decisions will shape the fate of their realm and its relationships with the neighboring powers.

Trade & Transport

As nomads, the Sultans of Buqmat engage in trade and bartering with settled communities along their migratory routes. They often exchange goods such as livestock, crafted textiles, precious stones, and herbs gathered from their travels. Their trading practices help them acquire necessary supplies and forge connections with other groups.
Founding Date
104 AB
Predecessor Organization
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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