Elmae Character in Theras | World Anvil


Elmae is the main deity of the Crescent Elves and the goddess of the desert, Rebellion, Medicine, Music and Motherhood.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

  The church of Elmae is essentially the embodiment of solitude toward everyone, however among themselves, they are a close knitted family; They attend births, bless young children, help planting and harvest, and bless warriors going into battle. Particularly successful totem sisters are sought out by other tribes and aspiring totemic practitioners for advice and counsel.   Clerics and druids of Elmae pray for their spells at night,

Tenets of Faith

  • We are stronger as one. Differences frighten us, for they weaken our resolve.
  • She Who Was Banished remains a threat. We must be ever watchful and work together on our journeys.
  • Embrace the varied talents and interests of your kin. This synergy fosters creativity, life, and artistry, leading to new discoveries.
  • Offer hospitality and assistance to fellow Desert Walkers. Blood demands vengeance; any harm done to one of us will be answered by all.
  • A life of constant movement is our way. We never stay in one place for more than a decade. We seek not the comforts of the Fae-Touched, but to understand and endure hardship.
  • Every drop of moisture is a gift from Elmae. Use it wisely, for waste is blasphemy.
  • Hone your body and mind. Elmae favors the swift, the cunning, and the resilient.
  • Respect the delicate cycle of life in the desert. Take what you need, but never more, so the land endures.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elmae is a relatively new addition to The Seldarine Pantheon. Most elven sages claim that Elmae is daughter of Solonor, while a minority of the elven sages claim she is actually the daugher of Fenmarel, and the Crescent Elves claim that she is actually the daughter of Shevarash.   By the nobles of Owhain, Elmae is a welcome deity while in the rest of the elven kingdoms, she is considered an extermist. That is because Elmae shows no favor towards the elven people that are not from the Crescent. The Crescent Elves claim that this because that the elves didn't have to endure a millenia of slavery under the humans and the trials that made them the people that they are today.   The Goddess Elmae, made a pact against the drow, the dark elves, not forgiving and made an enemy of Elistraee, for there is no repetance as Elistraee couldn't fathom the centuries of evil that is beset by everyone and not a single elven deity intervened. That is atleast her story to the people.


Contacts & Relations

The goddess Elmae is shunned by most of The Seldarine as she is hateful toward others. The Seldarine only accepted her back into the fold after the Crescent Elves were almost wiped out by slavers and an expedition of elven heroes stood with their brethern. However Elmae, while considering the help essential, shaped the elven heroes as Crescent Elves and hid the truth from her followers.
Queen of the Desert;
The One who Shows the Moon;
The Queen who Shares Water;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Crescent Elves, Desert, Desert Storms, Rebellion, Draught, Medicine, goddess of love, music, and motherhood
Community (Cooperation, Education, Family), Elf, Fire (Summer), Healing (Medicine), Glory (Honor, Hubris), Sun, Travel (Exploration)
A Crescent Moon circled by three rings
Community elders, druids, elves, farmers, fighters, midwives, Nomads, mothers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Duskshaft” (longspear or shortspear)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations





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