The Lexitar Order Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Lexitar Order

The Lexitar Order is a knightly order subsidiary to the Order of the White Rose, tasked with handling the homeland security of the Kingdom of Ader. It is an elite organization that operates directly under the Sovereign of Ader in their controlled territories, but also outside of its borders on special missions and delegations.


The Lexitar Order has no official structure. Agents usually work alone or in very small teams. Each lexitar operates in a unique way and reports directly to the Sovereign of Ader. Some Lexitars work with members of the Candelabrum or other Bauxigts under the Sovereign's request. The Order has no ranks, and its agents are picked according to specific needs and circumstances.

Public Agenda

The Lexitar Order operates under the authority of Sovereign of Ader and is tasked with keeping the realm's peace, exposing and dealing with cases of corruption and abuse of office, and the protection and sovereignty of the Aderian crown. Its members are among the most talented and capable found around Lake Kadia, sometimes from beyond, and come from very diverse backgrounds.


The order was founded after The War of Lords to ensure the crown's laws are followed in occupied territories. Infrastructures in these territories degraded badly since The Second Sun to a degree where securing quick and safe passage to the capital was deemed an improbable achievement.   The Emperor of Ader, Sandor Amarell, fearing a reprisal from the conquered lords, gathered eight knights from the Order of the White Rose, who were "of good character and well versed in rules of the crown". He ordered each knight to settle in a different noble's land under an alias, where they would each monitor the population, look for signs of betrayal or potential uprising, and act as enforcers, judges and even executioners in the name of the Crown if such a need arises. Their progress and status would be reported directly to him.   These knights settled in their designated locations and mingled with the community, in many cases becoming active and prominent members of society. They would often settle local disputes, correct injustices and help protect their settlement from both internal and external threats. In time, the order expanded his ranks and became the emperor's ears, eyes and hands across the Empire of Ader, and in some cases, outside the empire.  

During and After The Great Kadian Split

After The Usurpation of Navara the order struggled to keep its former activities and operations going, especially in the Kaviri Highlands and in the Free Cities. In 751 the ongoing Great Kadian Split forced many of the order's Lexitars to return to the Aderian Bank, either due to being ordered to, or by being chased out of their assignment areas by rebel forces.   While in the past the order was viewed in a positive light, it has become somewhat of a symbol for Aderian meddling and interference with other cultures of Lake Kadia. Furthermore, due to the members familiarity of the warring territories, they where often ordered to lead raids into settlement they formerly sworn to protect. This led to further alienation by the peasantry, who used to adore the agents prior to the war.   When the Kingdom of Saltis withdrew from the Second Empire of Ader, the area where Lexitars could operate freely shrank even further, and almost all its operations beyond the Uraki Foothills and Osvir Planes where abandoned. After the Corgomuran Free Cities sought to completely sever its connections with the SFLK in 801 AB, the order lost access to key assets in Krath, losing most of its naval capabilities and connections. Both of these losses were somewhat offset eventually, with the peace accord between the free cities and the SFLK allowing some operation for lexitars, and Saltis becoming an equal member of the pact.   As of the early 11th century AB the order still operates in the same manner as it used to, but with considerably greater limitations. The Lexitars themselves are also at increased risk if they are revealed, especially in nations that used to be conquered by the former empires of Ader or rivaled them in the past.

Ne abscondas te a Patre.

Founding Date
401 AB
Government, Secret Service
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles


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