The Soul Forge Technology / Science in Theras | World Anvil

The Soul Forge

The Soul Forge – Constructed just after Ervenius' Draught, the dwarven Technology have reached maximum capacity. The Dwarves of Grim Batul, once encroached an empire that is match to the size due to this process.   The rituals of the Soul Forge Zarak Dum helped the dwarves of Zarak Dum fight over the duergar empire and forced the great remaining duergers to Epeoris, while many cities and kingdoms of the duergar remained, the Dwarves of Zarak Dum battled the elven kingdoms and combined the elven high magic and finally, invented the soul forge.   The Dwarven construct, made up from three main parts, and connected together are the infamous dwarven soul forge.


Recent news When the soulforge had fallen into the hands of Thyatis, now with two chambers, he started making Slaves for himself, and by dark means was able to control their will as soulforged. When Thaytis was joined by a Druid named Samir, they started to develop the Soulforge, getting to the roots of it and trying to understand the mechanics of it, Samir was able to create a mutated version of the first chamber, and attach it to the second chamber, and by doing so, the new soulforge was able to create organic-esque vessels, using Samir’s shape shifting abilities as their inspiration.   Also by building this machine they had developed two new rituals:
  1. The welding of two or more souls together to create a new soul.
  2. The alchemical magnum opus, the creation of a full organic soulless vessel

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At first, After the soulforged (Old name for warforged) had completed their “missions”, they entered into the soul forge third chamber and were sent on their ventures into the afterlife as the souls were detached from the vessels and the vessels were molten into an alloy named accordingly, Ferrousoul, who couldn’t be used again to make a vessel but was buried at the graves of the souls that served that nation, as it was considered unnatural and unworkable. However, as the centuries went on, The Soul Forged helped the dwarven empire of Grim Batol to create Soulfoged, crafty golems as they posssed souls for volunteers in order to fight during the fourth Azaraki Peace Wars and stop the unstoppable Azarspawns. The Dwarves have led the charge, finally freeing most of the underdark from the the Azaraki. After using the volunteers, the dwarves of Grim Batol knew no sate, and they had taken the criminals of their society and forced them into the soul forge, using control rods to control the golems. The golems proved successful and the Utjorn Molbrut Clan had forced many nations of non-dwarves into submission and used this device on them, giving them the mightiest army, as they had no need for food, energy or anything.   The Dwarven Soul Forge was 'lost' and many sages it was intentional by the Bloth Hrouvnor clan, as they hid it under the lands of Northshire, hoping it would remain safe. However, a group of adventurers that had a quest delivered to them by Jane in the underground town-port of Goel. The lady had sent them on behalf of her mage, Thyatis, a Dragonborn who sought to create a city. Together, after they had retrieved the Soul-Forge, Samir, a renegade from, the adventures, had been able to create something more sinister than the original design. The soulforge, not only could transfer the souls of others and create Warforged, with Samir's art from Arqmati, in for bringing back from the dead important figures to maintain order and provide assistance to the ruler,
The Bloth Hrouvnor.
The Dwarven construct, made up from three main parts, and connected together are the infamous dwarven soul forge.
The Soul forge was created during Ervenius' Draught, however lacking magic use, they could only create minor trinkets with the aid of the gnomes. However, as soon as the draught was ended, the dwarves of Bloth Hrouvnor, with the aid of many captive elven, Dragonborn and gnomes volunteers, made the use of blood magic to transfer a living form to a golem. Over the years, the dwarves had managed to get rid of most magic ingredients and via their prowess, made the soul forge independent of the magic used to fuel it.   The original four cornerstone rituals.
  1. The anchoring of a roaming soul to the material plane using primal powers and dwarves technology.
  2. The welding of a soul and its consciousness into a vessel.
  3. The welding of non-organic matters into a suitable vessel.
  4. The forgotten ritual of the ferrousoul creation who was lost to war.
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