Bloth Hrouvnor Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Bloth Hrouvnor Clan

The Clan of Bloth Hrouvnor Clan are currently the leaders of the dwarven Kingdom of Khazad Ram.   As of today, the Blood smiths are known for their crafting of alchemy, which they are said to learn from the Gnomes, rune crafting and golem crafting.


The Blood Smiths, were special dwarves that specialized in smithing, called Blood smiths for the best rubies in the world, and perhaps somesay blood magic, which isn't very far from the truth, as they were the creators of The Soul Forge, not to be confused with the divine realm of the Soul forge.   The Blood smiths later immigrated from Zarak Dum In the year 2,110 BB.
Founding Date
4,587 BB
Parent Organization
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