Zaradk-Dum Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Empire of Zaradk Dum, also known as Darkhold went over many stages as the magical prowess of the other races went against them, the chief among them, was The Dwarven Clan of Bloth Hrouvnor, the original creators of The Soul Forge, has risen up and led the dwarven people against the Utjorn Molbrut, the ruling clan of Zaradk Dum. Though the dwarves clans had many clashes, only the intervention of other races had withstood the golems made Zaradk Dum.   Finally after centuries of war, the dragon empire of Ansko, came and unleashed its armies on the surface of Rakion, reclaiming many of its outposts and destroying the Empire of Zaradk-Dum, thus forever changing the balance of power at the continent in favor of the Dragonborn.

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