The Stag Lord Character in Theras | World Anvil

The Stag Lord

The enigmatic Stag Lord is a ruler that rose to power in the Hirch Thani in 1,031 AB, he rose into power and 13 years after, he filled the Lands with blue fog, that had disperesed from a temple of Helena.   The Stag Lord is rumored to have come to power after bargaining with dark powers. Some specluate its someone that is called "the Dark One" or maybe Rayla herself.

Personality Characteristics


The Stag Lord is ambitious, paranoid and some may call him cruel. Many don't seem to understand the sacrifice he had to make in order to make something of himself, being a land of commerce, he could not stand aside as the Gontalians raided the land, while the Neomen had used this land for their own need, but never protecting it.
Neutral Evil
1001 AB 1051 AB 50 years old
Dark Brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
You are people of the Stag Lands, so Stand there and grind!


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