Tsereben Ahergai Character in Theras | World Anvil

Tsereben Ahergai

Lady Tsereben Ahergai

Lady Tsereben Ahergai is a Yorgai noblewoman advising to The Iron Council as the Lady of the Rgai. She's known as a ruthless politician though also as one that does not undermine the other council members and fiercely loyal to the God Kings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tsereben was the third daughter to her mother and had five sisters. She demonstrated remarkable intelligence from a young age, and showed psychopathic tendencies during her teenage years. When her mother became ill in her early twenties, she drowned her oldest sister, poisoned one of her younger sisters, and coerced the other two to serve and support her as the heiress; this act was viewed favorably by her mother, who declared her as the next Lady of the Rgai some weeks before she succumbed to he illness.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
979 AB 72 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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