Lady of the Rgai Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Lady of the Rgai

The Lady of the Rgai is an advisor to The Iron Council. The role is considered to be as influential as the King of Lustiris within the council and the Yokun Empire. The position is known for the murderous power struggles between potential heiresses.


The title of Lady of the Rgai is matrilineally hereditary, and passed down from the former Lady to one of her daughters. Most other qualifications expected from such a role are considered to be secondary, as any scion of a noble house is very likely to possess the necessary skills and relevant knowledge required to successfuly manage a territory.


The Lady of the Rgai is the ruler of the steppes within the Begutulga Valley in the God King's absence. That status of rulership is usually relegated to the Lady even while he is present in Sharakzizir, so he may tend to the matters of running the greater Yokuhein.
Nobility, Hereditary
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