Túrinqueldëra Warship Vehicle in Theras | World Anvil

Túrinqueldëra Warship

The Túrinqueldëra Warship is a type of warship that is used by Prime Admiral of Arasil, Turinde, in the The Passage of the Channel.   These boats are not not blue-water ships. They stay—and fight—close to the coast.   The Ship itself has an ironclad roofing on some of the vessels. Also, the roofs have metal spikes that are used to deter boarding tactics.   These ships are considered to be fast enough in terms of patrolling the coast lines of the channel and deter most Sirilians incursions.


The turtle ships are propelled by oars, having seven to fifteen on a side.
Turtle Ship
Owning Organization
25 ft to 40ft
90ft to 150 ft


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