The Guilds of Arasil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Guilds of Arasil

The Guilds of Arasil are the operating economic forces of Arasil, often opposing the The Silver Chalice. They are most prominent force in Kingdom of Arasil and they very much have the support of Imril, who is stengthening the Kingdom in the last century, often seizing opportunies.


The Guilds have came to prominence during the 10th century AB, during the fall of Heiligstes König Reich Celtira. The Knights and the dragons ruling it, had minted alot of gold in order to finance their influence other countries in order to become the superpower of Rakion - a plan that came to futility.   The guilds during that time, protested long against the The Silver Chalice and opposed them on the financial front espacially during the The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars. During ten years of debasement of the Arasilian Coins, the guilds had stabalized the economies and with the aid of Imril, the Viceroy of Kingdom of Arasil, they had come out of the depression. One of the main catalysts for reemerging as a financial superpower, was the founding of many guilds for many craftsmen and services, including the Arasil's Association of Agriculture and Arable Lands which focused on investments and the good of the people.
Founding Date
176 AB
Parent Organization
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