Turinde Character in Theras | World Anvil


Turinde is the Prime Admiral of Arasil.   Unlike the rules of The Silver Chalice - Turinde was given a status of a knight of the Order of the Platinum Lion because of her station, due to her brilliance and unwillingless to step down. This was a contreversial decision, as she doesn't uphold the Oath of Edrahil.   Turinde is rumored to be immortal, as a woman, she has never aged. Most think this can be attributed to a 'Fountain of Youth' She had found, as the Bards have told. Some regards it that she has made a deal with Asmodeus himself, or perhaps even Bailshar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Turinde was unlike any other, a Sirilian who turned coat and came from the Bay of Swords, fighting therte many ships as a pirate, until she was found by Nandorel herself, which took a liking to her.   Turinde in her turn, challenged the Navy of Nahrso and had it pick up 15 of their best ships against her 3. In the Year 601 AB, Turinde had become the Prime Admiral of Arasil, and reorganizing the fleet and in essence, overhauled it.   In the year 765 AB she was Knighted to a knight of the Order of the Platinum Lion, after very tensious discussions with the many Dukes of Kingdom of Arasil. In order to preserve the fleet, they had knighted her, even though she hasn't sworn any vows, only an oath of Loyalty.
Lawful Neutral
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
567 AB 484 Years old
Aligned Organization

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