Ugluini Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Ugluini is the name of the residents and the unique culture of the people of The Khagnate of Uglun.   The Ugluini, unlike most Orcs, revere the female orcs for their wisdom and keep them protected as many of the orcish female, are rumored to have mystical powers, including divine and sometimes sorcerery.   The Ugluini typically consider the strongest tribal chief among them to be the leader, however, there are many exceptions to the definition of might.


Major language groups and dialects

The Ugluini consider draconic to be somewhat outlawed, except for the sorcerer that are allowed to speak it, after the leaders grant them the permission to speak it, in order to facilitate magic and as such developed Uglaish as other form of magic langauge used by their shamans, clerics and mystics.

Culture and cultural heritage

They consider metal work very important to their culture and status, however the steel primarily comes from their neighbors and they pay a lot of money for artisans and craftmen to make the metals found in the lands of use.   The people of Uglun, in inspiration of the Ethil-Quessiri, took the use of many weapons, including, but not limited to Katanas, Tantos, Wakizashis, Naginatas, Shurikens, Sais.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Ugluini consider etiquette somewhat beneficial to their culture and they consider those who passed the rites above them, never making eye contact with them, unless demanded.   Young Ugluinis who enter a profession, customarily get a tatoo that proclaim that. Also, tatoos are used to brand criminals, the crime they had been found guilty of wasa branded traditionally across their foreheads.   Another custom is tattooing, as the orcish people take tattooing very seriously and the more richer you are, ther more intricate and extremely well done tatoo you have.

Coming of Age Rites

The Ugluini, in their diverse culture of Ogre, Orcish, Minotaur and sometimes goblinoid, still see the rites of coming of age as the most important in their culture. Usually one of every 3 orcish children, make this rite.   This rite is usually given by one of the shamans or mystics of the Clan or family and it does include sometimes slaying, achieving peace with a neighboring faction, hunting, fixing a drainage in a time limit and limited funds - Whatever the tribes deem of it.   Those who do not make it, are considered servants of the family cell, until they can be given a second chance, usually by convincing the mystics or 2 year times (If they did not die in the first attempt).
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