Orc Species in Theras | World Anvil


The Orcs, are a formidable and untamed race, embody the raw essence of strength, resilience, and a boundless spirit for battle. With robust physiques, fearsome tusks, and a primal connection to the wild, orcs forge their destiny in the crucible of adversity. Born from ancient curses or shaped by malevolent deities, they carry the weight of a tumultuous past, yet their culture thrives on tribal bonds, honoring primal spirits, and an unwavering commitment to kin.   In their nomadic and tribal societies, orcs cherish martial prowess, valuing the power of the individual and the unity of the tribe. A relentless force on the battlefield, they channel the chaotic energy within, forging weapons with unmatched craftsmanship. Driven by an unyielding determination to conquer challenges, orcs embody the untamed spirit that roams free in the uncharted maps.  

Orcs in Rakion

The Orcs in Rakion are mostly violent, true to their orcish nature as the lands of Rakion are hard to control. The Orcs in Rakion find all the Orcish Pantheon relevant, except for House Ugran, who in 1,051 AB, reverted back to the 'old ways' following the destruction of Octoland.  

Orcs in Epeoris

The Orcs in Epeories, are much more 'refined', as to say that since the prominence of human settlements and dominion over the continent, the female leaders are far more important there, as they take their beliefs in Luthic, until such a time for violence again, can be orchestrated through the continent.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Orcs are typically tall and muscular, with thick skin ranging in color from green to brown. Their eyes often glow with an inner fire, and their tusks and guttural language further enhance their imposing presence. Despite their rugged exterior. Rare orcs can be surprisingly beautiful, with strong features and a wild charm and it is truer for Half-Orcs.   Orcs stand tall, often towering over humans at an average height of seven feet. Their powerful frames and musculature make them appear even broader, while their low posture gives them a deceptively shorter stature. Their skin, varying from pale pink to various shades of gray and green (with green being the most common), is prone to scarring, and even young warriors bear these marks with pride, believing them to be badges of honor. The saying, "you are the scars that shape you," is deeply ingrained in Orcish culture.

Growth Rate & Stages

Physically, orcs mature quickly, reaching adulthood by their 17th year and boasting an average lifespan of 60 years. Their short lifespans and the high casualty rates in their violent societies are compensated for by their astonishing reproductive rate. Orc mothers, protected from the battlefield, typically give birth to two to five young at a time. The rare occurrence of a single child, having devoured its siblings in the womb, is seen as a powerful omen and a sign of great leadership potential. This remarkable fertility allows a decimated Orc tribe to replenish its numbers remarkably quickly, often within a decade.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcish cuisine is distinct and often unappealing to other cultures. Their hearty stews and roasts, while highly nutritious, are often described as strong-flavored and rough-textured. Some even speculate, with exaggeration, that discarded boots are used as ingredients.


The Orcs possess an astonishingly high pain threshold, not due to physiological differences but through sheer willpower. They embrace pain stoically, enduring agony that would cripple others. This allows them to remain formidable even when heavily injured, further solidifying their image as fearsome warriors.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Sharp, boar-like canines and prominent teeth dominate their faces, echoing their bestial nature. Their small, beady eyes, sensitive to sunlight, and vaguely pig-like features further enhance their imposing presence. Their hair, wiry like a boar's bristles, is a constant reminder of their wild spirit.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs have a significantly lower tolerance for bright light compared to other races. Prolonged exposure can cause discomfort and even temporary blindness. This sensitivity is a significant factor in their preferred habitat and battle tactics.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Orc society is ruthlessly patriarchal, with female orcs rarely occupying secular positions of power. Orc males typically have multiple wives treated as trophies or slaves. Sons are expected to commence combat training at a young age, encouraged to engage in sibling infighting. An orc father prioritizes raising a physically capable child who can hold their own in combat, and any orc deemed sickly or undersized faces a short life expectancy.   Female orcs face limited prospects, with only a few managing to infiltrate orc armies and serve alongside males as equals. Generally, they are relegated to roles of servitude and motherhood. Despite being physically strong and capable, female orcs contend with a narrow-minded and brutal society. Magic, especially divine magic, becomes a notable avenue for female orc excellence. Female orc adepts, clerics, and druids leverage their magical prowess to instill fear in the male-dominated community, enjoying a degree of autonomy.

Relationship Ideals

The Orcs see interacial relationships as way to enhance and improve their blood. They do not see see interbreeding as bad for the horde, only improving it and taking the best of all races.

Average Technological Level

Orcs favor traditional weapons like falchions and greataxes, honed through generations of warfare.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The heartbeat of orc culture resonates with the rhythm of war drums and the echoes of ancient traditions. Their ferocity in battle is matched only by their loyalty to the tribe, creating a society where strength is revered, honor is earned through deeds, and the wild spirit within each orc pulses as an indomitable force.   What Orcs are typacilly renowned for, is their intensity and passion, expressing emotions like rage, jealousy, and lust with unparalleled fervor. This likely stems from their violent culture, where combat serves as a crucible for survival and advancement.   Orcs value fearsome mounts, not just for their utility but also for the prestige they bring. Dire wolves, boars, gortheks, and even exotic creatures like mammoths and owlbears are prized possessions.   Orcs favor magic that delivers immediate and tangible benefits. They have little patience for disciplines requiring education or discipline. Instead, sorcerers, oracles, shamans, and witches are highly respected, as are bards and skalds who can manipulate emotions and inspire their kin.   Slavery is prevalent within orc communities, often involving subjugated kobolds or goblins as slaves. Orcs from rival tribes or subraces may also be held captive. Humans, gnomes, dwarves, and halflings serve as slaves but endure harsh conditions and short lifespans. Elf slaves are rare, as orcs typically opt to kill and consume any elves encountered.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Orcs are deeply communal creatures, fiercely loyal to their tribes and families. They hold strong traditions and customs, passed down through generations. Many of them, see their lives as intertwined with nature, as they respect the power of the land and its creatures   Orcish society thrives on strength and combat prowess. Everyone has the right to claim what they can conquer, while those deemed weak are culled without hesitation. This creates a brutal hierarchy enforced by tradition and respect for authority. While orcs may bully or exploit those beneath them, they rarely kill without provocation.   Constant challenges are the cornerstone of Orcish life. Every individual faces threats from below and reminders of their own limitations from above. These challenges, often culminating in duels to the death, ensure continued strength and prevent stagnation.   Orcs view religion as a transactional relationship. They worship deities who offer the most power and aid in battle, mainly the Orcish Pantheon, Kord and various demon lords are commonly revered for their raw power and destructive tendencies. While orcs revere their deities, they also believe that any being with a face and name can be challenged and defeated. This bold philosophy leads some orc holds to attempt to dethrone their gods and claim divinity themselves.

Common Myths and Legends

Orc mothers tell the legend of The Happy Fellow, an elf who comes to eat orc children who smile too much in their sleep.
60 years
Average Height
6.3 ft' for male; 6.1 ft' for female;
Average Weight
258 lb. for male; 216 lb. for female;


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