The Khagnate of Uglun Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Khagnate of Uglun

The Khagnate of Uglun, sometimes referred to as the Mighty Lands of Uglun, an orcish Khagnate, is a formidable realm known for its military might and the diverse range of forces it commands. This rugged land is home to a strong orcish population that forms the backbone of Uglun's military forces.   The Khangate is currently vying for control over the Die Unbesiegsind.


One of the notable aspects of Uglun's military power is the presence of Ogre mercenaries and giants. These towering creatures, with their immense size and strength, serve as a fearsome addition to Uglun's forces. Ogres, are often hired as mercenaries to bolster Uglun's ranks and provide a significant advantage on the battlefield. Giants, on the other hand, are rarer and formidable warriors who lend their colossal strength and resilience to Uglun's cause. They serve as elite shock troops, capable of devastating enemy lines and fortifications.   In addition to the orcish forces and ogres/giants, Uglun also maintains a diverse array of goblinoid merceneries. Goblinoids, including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears, offer unique skills and abilities that complement the orcish army which they lack, such as stealth, sabotage, and guerrilla tactics, while hobgoblins are the disciplined soldiers and officers who bring strategic thinking and coordination to the battlefield. The Bugbears on the other hand, are additionalformidable shock troops and scouts. It should be noted that most of these merceneries are coming from Dharaek Khanate who are exporting their services in order to learn new battle startegies and hone their skills.  
Military Structure
The military structure of the Mighty Lands of Uglun is hierarchical, with leaders appointed based on strength, combat prowess, and strategic acumen. The highest authority lies with the ruling orc chieftain or warlord, who commands the entire military apparatus. Below the chieftain, there are various ranks and positions that oversee different aspects of the military, including unit commanders, captains, and specialized officers.

Trade & Transport

The land of Die Unbesiegsind being a prosperous, does give Uglun a significant amount of valuable resources within their territories. The region is known for its abundance of natural resources such as minerals, ores, and fertile lands suitable for agriculture - for which their slaves work.
Founding Date
671 AB
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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