Ethil-Quessiri Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Ethil-Quessiri, are usually Avariels from Rakion and are enigmatic in nature, often seeking solitary places to dwell, though only Echor i Naurgon they can truly call as their own.  
Social Status and Hiererachy
The Ethil-Quessiri embody a hierarchical structure, that is almost a feudal system. Leaders are chosen based on strength, combat prowess, and strategic acumen, with the ruling chieftain or warlord commanding the entire military apparatus. Loyalty and respect toward leaders are paramount, fostering a sense of unity and order within their aerial cities - atleast among the warlike avariel, while the peaceful avariel, see strength as wisdom and cunning mind, spiritual one or arcane one.


Major language groups and dialects

While the Avariel usually speak elvish in terms of diplomacy, they speak Ethil Quesir, which

Culture and cultural heritage

The Avariel fighters utilize their aerial agility to their advantage. Formations mimic swirling kites, dodging attacks and unleashing volleys of arrows from unexpected angles and using many javelins. Skilled wind magic plays a vital role in disrupting enemy formations and creating strategic advantages.   The Ethil-Quessiri are mostly reknown for their use of Katana, Tanto, Wakizashi, Naginata, Shuriken, Sai and special armor against 'land-walkers'. It should be mentioned that the Ugluini, also copied their weapons in their many battles, often taking those weapons and using them in their own twisted ways.

Shared customary codes and values

The Avariel adopted the Haelindor, their code of honor among themselves and one, they judge other foreigners.

Common Dress code

Avariel clothing reflects the grace and beauty of traditional Ethil-Quessir garments. They prefer flowing, loose-fitting kimonos made from diaphanous materials, allowing the wind to play with the fabric during flight as in artistic form that is hard to master, even for the avariels. However, at the simplest hint of danger, they go to other clothes that allow them to fly elgently. Their close Intricate embroidery and delicate wing tip dyeing patterns showcase their artistic sensibilities. In lieu of armor, they rely on enchanted silken garments, enhancing their agility while maintaining a sense of elegance.

Art & Architecture

Avariel arts draw inspiration from arts such as ikebana (flower arranging), calligraphy and poetry. The Aerie, their temple-city, showcases architectural element that have a Torii Gate, Hmain hall, majestic towers, multiple tiers and a distinct, tiered-roof design.   Glassblowing is elevated to an art form, mirrors the delicate craftsmans. When most races turn to metal, wood or stone to craft gear, the Ethil-Quessiri have turned to the fragile and delicate medium of glass, partly due to a lack of resources in the area, partly due to the brittleness of metal in the extreme cold. In a way, their affinity for glass as a medium reflects their very nature, for the Ethil-Quessiri are fragile and beautiful people. While much Ethil-Quessiri glass is delicate and decorative, the winged elves have also mastered glassteel, a form of glass as strong as metal. Many avariel outposts are made of glassteel, as are some armor, weapons and tools.


Courtship Ideals

In the Warlike society, Courtship in Avariel society is a formal affair, echoing the politeness and subtlety of elven courtship. Avariel engage in traditional tea ceremonies, poetic exchanges, and delicate dances to express their affections. Mutual respect and emotional connection play a pivotal role in establishing lasting bonds. Mates for life, they mourn deeply when a partner is lost.   The Peaceful society, also embodies politeness, but it has other drinks, often cofee, poetic exchanges and intricate dances in the air.
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