Waleapia's War of Independence Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Waleapia's War of Independence

Waleapia's War of Independence is the name of the war of Waleapia aspiration to independence from the rule of Stephen Keatison, the King of Keatis.   The Key to the victory of the Waleapian resurgency, was the strategy of Aelis of Waleapia in luring the vanguard and kingsguard of @Stephen into occupying a small fort where they thought they would be safe, where infact, the Waleapians had stayed in hiding 3 miles underground in old Duerger-tunnels. Where they struck, Lady Aelis went herself, defeated every knight of Stephen and had her sword at his throat and his pants wetting themselves - So far that this is a famous picture in many Waleapia halls and public places.

The Conflict


The Prelude was the exclusion of military assets and security on the Waleapia, leaving it to raiders and brigands. One soul, Aelis of Waleapia, a young warrior rose up and enticed the people of Waleapia into open rebellion.


Waleapia's independence was essentiallyan unrefutable fact, through a momentous event known as the Great Trap, where they successfully defeated the seemingly unstoppable army of Keatis. The trap, devised by the cunning strategists of Waleapia and executed flawlessly, inflicted a significant blow to the Keatisi forces and exposed the weaknesses of their leadership. This decisive victory became a point of great pride for Waleapia and a turning point in their history.


Waleapia gained independence.


Stephen Keatison, the king of Keatis, was deemed weak by many and has lost influence, even casuing his knights to abandon him, when in fact his army was more disciplined, better equipped, trained and superior in numbers.

Historical Significance


The positive influence of Aelis of Waleapia and the strategic victory over Keatis have contributed to the rising power and confidence of Waleapia. As the Zirnyakil Confederation supports Waleapia's cause for freedom, their limited naval capabilities and trade connections, facilitated by the Republic, further strengthen their ties and contribute to their collective success.  
Depiction of Aelis by artists of Waleapia
Start Date
997 AB
Ending Date
1,000 AB
Conflict Result
Surrender of The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis and Victory of Waleapia



2,000 semi-professional soldiers
10,000 Levies
5,000 merecenries
500 renegade knights
1,500 Cultists of Aelis
1,000 Horsemen
400 Casters
20,000 semi-professional soldiers
5,000 Professional Soldiers
1,000 Eldritch Knights
2,000 Casters (1,200 War Mages at least)
3,000 Cavalry
1,500 Goliaths


17,000 Peasants
7,800 military man (Their background is not divulged - While Keatisian intelligence claim that most of them were definately Levies with atleast 2,000 Merceneries dead.
5,000 Semi-professional Soldiers
250 Eldrtich Knights
1,000 Professional Soldiers
700 Cavalry


Eradicate the Rebellion


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