Zirnyakil Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Zirnyakil, is a principality of Dark Elves originated from a group of dark elves who sought to break away from the subterranean societies and establish a presence on the surface - identfiying themselves as Eilistuessiri. The Principality is mainly governed by Female Drow, which is so a cultural trait from their thousands of years customs.
Interal Problems
The Dark Seldarine, does make concerted efforts to regain influence among the dark elves of Zirnyakil. Recognizing the shift away from Eilistraee's worship, the Dark Seldarine see an opportunity to reassert their dominance and bring the dark elves back under their fold. To achieve this, the Dark Seldarine employs various tactics. They send emissaries and influential figures to Zirnyakil, offering promises, incentives, or displaying their power to sway the hearts and minds of the dark elves. They use persuasive arguments, manipulation and even covert methods to gradually erode Eilistraee's influence, thus replacing it with their own.   Additionally, the Dark Seldarine is rumored to tap into existing discontent or grievances within Zirnyakil, exploiting those who feel disillusioned with Eilistraee's teachings or have concerns about the faction's direction.   Fortunately, the Eilistuessiri, have much support from the Waleapians and especially, Aelis of Waleapia.


The Zirnyakil dark elves possess a distinct cultural identity that combines the influence of Eilistraee's teachings with their own unique customs. They are known for their love of music, dance, and visual arts, and these expressions of creativity are central to their way of life. The Zirnyakil are skilled artisans, crafting exquisite works of art, enchanted musical instruments, and fine weapons imbued with elven magic.


The Zirnyakil faction of dark elves in Rakion emerged as a splinter group from the traditional dark elven society. Dissatisfied with the oppressive rule of Lolth and the rigid hierarchy of the Underdark, they sought a different path. Led by Zarnya, a charismatic visionary, they embraced the teachings of Eilistraee, the goddess of redemption, freedom, and artistic expression.   To achieve the goal of Zarnya, she obtained land on the surface from various trolls and gnolls and then, following her leadership, she took the dark elves who wished to join to embark on a perilous journey through treacherous terrains of the underground tunnels and the numerous caverns. They may have encountered various challenges and adversaries along the way, but their determination and resourcefulness allowed them to overcome these obstacles and eventually establish a settlement or enclave on the surface.


They focus on their surface settlements, and they posses a limited naval force. Thanks to their cooperative relationship with the Republic of Waleapia, the Zirnyakil have access to a small fleet of ships, including merchant vessels and a few flagships and war frigates. These ships play a crucial role in facilitating trade between the Zirnyakil Clan and their allies, allowing them to transport goods, resources, and reinforcements across the seas.   The Eilistuessiri of Zirnyakil are using the Umbral Towers, Obsidian Shadowstrider and later on Shadowgloom Cruiser in other cases.


The Principality was established on the idea and teachings of Eilistraee.   However, many ideas entered the society of the Eilistraee, where they maintain direct connection to the goddess, but also are beginning to drift again towards the Dark Seldarine and sometimes Arqmati Pantheon or Neomen Pantheon (With the first being the larger of the three).

Foreign Relations

Zirnyakil strives to maintain a degree of secrecy and hidden existence. They established hidden settlements and camouflage their presence through magical means and natural disguises. While they prefer to avoid unnecessary conflicts and remain unnoticed, they understand the importance of political influence to secure their position.   They have a good relationship with the Republic of Waleapia. Zirnyakil works together with the Republic of Waleapia if their interests align, such as sharing knowledge or resources, or collaborating against common enemies and their presence is known only to a few there.   They also works with the League of Balikhan and The Sultans of Buqmat, Zirnyakil maintains a neutral stance or seek diplomatic relationships. They engage in limited trade, cultural exchanges, or alliances based on mutual benefits. However, their influence on these factions is rather limited due to their relatively recent arrival on the surface and the potential cultural and ideological differences and their presence in known only to a few there.   In regards to The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis, they are very much hostile to that kingdom as they are exteremly prejudiced against Dark Elves for their many incursions and raids on their vast lands.   It should be noted that the Elves of Owhain, visit and helps the Eilistraee, though they are very much suspicious of them.
Founding Date
692 AB
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