Words of Destruction Item in Theras | World Anvil

Words of Destruction

The Ultimate item, said to counter the powers of A-O (Also known as the "Words of Creation"), the overdeity. This item was a gift of the overdeity to the dragon deity Io, who helped shape the world in the image that we see today. This item can create planes and destroy them at the will of a powerful creature and at the whim of a creature with the powers of a deity.   However, the truth is very close to the rumors. This item was responsible for many atrocities, however, just before the mortals used this item for their unwise ways and ambitions, this Item always seperated was used in the history against greater threats.   This item of the Words of Destruction was finally destroyed by Ervenius in Ervenius' Draught years, after using it multiple times. Unbeknown to anyone but Ervenius and A-O, he used this in order to create the foundation for the divine gate and weave, thus creating a world that will not be subject to a magic-less world. This item today has but a 1/100 of its power, however it can still destroy whole lands and kingdoms if the user is knowledgeable enough.   It should be mentioned that the item was discovered by Erins The Silent Death, who used it in The Decimation of North Hexadominir and Sofel and again later in order to empower his chosen Council of Kagiams and rebuilding the newly Federation of Sofel.   The Item has as such been shown in a museum in Sofel, recharging again.


This weapon was created anjd helped the Draconic pantheon to help repair the damages of the primordial wars as A-O also created the primordial and didn't intervene.
Creation Date
In the Era of the Great Rifts
Current Holder

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