Yokdim Species in Theras | World Anvil


Yokdim (singular and plural) are a type of celestial entities that somewhat resemble angels, despite their ancestry. They superficially resemble humans with six wings, though they are taller and significantly stronger than them.

Basic Information


Yokdim have a human-like body and three pairs of feathered wings; the largest pair sprouts from their upper back, the second largest pair sprouts from their lower back, and the smallest pair sprouts from their nape. Their face is constantly covered by the smallest pair, and it is believed that witnessing a yokdim's face is an overwhelming experience for mortals.   There is no known upper limit for a yokdim's size and stature; Azorkaratsel, an Andorian quasidivinity (commonly classified as a Demi Power) is the largest among them, and measures over 13 ft. tall with a wingspan 27 ft. wide.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
8-9 ft.
Average Wingspan
12-14 ft.
Geographic Distribution


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