Zarakshan Daominion Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Zarakshan Daominion

The Zarakshan Daominion was a powerful Khanate of Dao that held signifcant influence in the continent of Rakion during the 17th to 8th centuries BB. It carved out a formidable domain within the harsh and unforgiving landscapes of the continent. Their rule was characterized by strict hierarchy, meticulous organization, and a focus on material wealth and territorial expansion.   The Zarakshan Dominion became known for their mastery of earth magic and their ability to manipulate and shape the very fabric of the land. Their cities were built upon ancient subterranean networks, hewn from solid stone and adorned with precious gems and metals. The dominion's armies were formidable, consisting of mighty earth golems and skilled earthshapers who could shape the very terrain to their advantage   Throughout history, the Zarakshan Dominion clashed repeatedly with their neighboring power, the Marid Padishah. The battles between the two factions were legendary, each contest leaving its mark on the continent of Rakion. The constant warfare and clashes of elemental forces shaped the once-thriving lands into scarred and devastated landscapes.   The Dominion ceased to exist after the The Malady of Waters and Stone.

16,223 BB - 7,201 BB

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