The Malady of Waters and Stone Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The Malady of Waters and Stone

The Malady of Waters and Stone is a series of wars that the Mortal races of Rakion were forced to intervene since the mutual destruction of Glacial Sovereignty and the Zarakshan Dominion, had spread disease all over the continent.

The Conflict


After the devastating defeat of the Efreeti and right before the war of The Zephyrashan Sundering, the Menedynn Empire turned its attention towards the Glacial Sovereignty and the Zarakshan Dominion. Recognizing the need for allies, the Menedynn Empire forged alliances with various factions to wage war against the powerful genie realms.   The Sehan Elf or the @Daoi, a superior race that had been in hiding, emerged to aid their brethren who had successfully defeated the Zephyrashan dynasty. The Sehan Elves had a prophecy that spoke of creating a nation called "Owhain," but they knew the time was not yet right as the signs from The Seldarine have been fulfilled. Therefore, they chose to assist in the conflict against the genies, using their advanced skills and knowledge to bolster the allied forces.   United in purpose, the Menedynn Empire, the Star Elves, and Aetheliora rallied together. They formed a formidable coalition that enlisted the aid of the Mountain Dwarf, led by King Doranulz, who is rumored to be the ancient ancestor of Dora-Nil. The dwarves brought their exceptional craftsmanship and mighty warriors to the cause, further strengthening the alliance.


The war against the Genies, spanning two centuries, was a relentless and brutal campaign. The combined forces of the Menedynn Empire, the elven factions, and the Mountain Dwarves fought against the Dao and Marid of the Zarakshan Dominion and Glacial Sovereignty. The conflict was marked by clashes of magic, epic battles, and the unyielding determination of all involved - All that without considering the death toll of the pandemics that the two nations inflicted on the world.   As the tides of war shifted, the Old Ansko Empire, jjoined the fray, tipping the balance in favor of the alliance in around 7,256 BB. With their Draconic Magic and military might, the Dragonborn bolstered the forces against the genies, further tilting the scales of victory.   While other factions involved in the conflict grew weakened and exhausted, the Aetheliora ultimately signed a cease-fire, recognizing the futility of continuing the battle. However, this cease-fire proved to be ineffective, as the Menedynn Empire, now reinforced by the Ansko Empire, pressed on relentlessly.   However, amidst the chaos of war, the Menedynn Empire continued its campaign of extermination and genocide against the Genasi, Dao, and Marid populations. Fearful of their elemental powers and their potential threat, the Menedynn Empire sought to eliminate them entirely, perpetuating a cycle of violence and intolerance.   In the end, the Zarakshan Dominion and the Glacial Sovereignty, unable to unite due to their differences and standing alone, fell to the combined might of the Menedynn Empire and the Ansko Empire. The lands of ice and the dominion of the genies were shattered and subjugated under the conquest of these powerful empires.


The aftermath of the war left a legacy of devastation, fear, and lingering animosity. The Menedynn Empire's brutal treatment of the Genasi, Dao, and Marid populations sowed seeds of future conflicts and resentments. The continent of Rakion, scarred by centuries of warfare, witnessed the rise and fall of empires and the lasting consequences of their actions.


During the prolonged war between the Menedynn Empire and their allies against the Zarakshan Dominion and the Glacial Sovereignty, the conflict had far-reaching consequences on the continent of Rakion. The battle's intense elemental forces and the destructive nature of magic resulted in the upheaval of natural landscapes, including the great glaciers of Codquet.   As the Glacial Sovereignty fought to defend their icy realm, their use of ice magic and the summoning of powerful blizzards caused the once-stable glaciers of Codquet Ice Fields to become erratic and volatile. The natural equilibrium of the glaciers was disrupted, leading to massive cracks, crevasses, and shifts in their structure. These immense glaciers, once symbols of the Glacial Sovereignty's power and dominion, now became unstable and dangerous.   Simultaneously, the Zarakshan Dominion, with their mastery over earth magic and manipulation of the land, launched devastating attacks that caused the sinking of several land masses surrounding the Glacial Sovereignty's domain. The Zarakshan Dominion, seeking to expand their territory and weaken their enemies, unleashed cataclysmic earth-shaping spells and colossal golems, causing massive upheavals and the subsequent submersion of once-thriving lands.   As a result of these combined efforts, the great glaciers of Codquet were affected profoundly. The disruptions caused by the Glacial Sovereignty's ice magic and the Zarakshan Dominion's earth-shaping spells led to increased instability and a perpetual freezing environment in the region. The glaciers ceased their natural movements and became frozen in place, perpetually locked in ice and frost.   Moreover, the catastrophic sinking of land masses caused by the Zarakshan Dominion resulted in the formation of the The Free Marches Isles, a group of figve isolated islands that were separated from the mainland. These islands emerged from the depths as remnants of the submerged territories, forever changed by the destructive powers unleashed during the war.

Historical Significance


It was through the combined efforts of the Menedynn Empire and their high elven allies that the devastating effects of these atrocities were contained and prevented from spreading to the entire mainland. The Menedynn Empire's advanced magical knowledge and their ability to harness the power of the elements allowed them to mitigate the widespread impact of the war's destruction.   Using their mastery of High Elven Magic, the Menedynn Empire created protective enchantments and barriers, isolating the effects of the war to specific regions. They channeled their magic into stabilizing the remaining glaciers and minimizing the freezing effects, ensuring that the rest of the mainland was spared from constant cold and devastation.   While the glaciers of Codquet remained as a chilling reminder of the war's destructive consequences, the containment of the effects through the efforts of the Menedynn Empire and high elven magic helped prevent the entire continent from succumbing to the same fate. The Free Marches Isles, however, stood as a stark reminder of the catastrophic sinking caused by the Zarakshan Dominion, forever altering the geographical landscape of Rakion.
Included under Conflict
Start Date
7,396 BB
Ending Date
7,201 BB
Conflict Result
Victory and beginning methodical extarmination of Genasi by the Menedynn Empire


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