Zinzerena Character in Theras | World Anvil

Zinzerena (zin-zuh-RAY-nuh)

Elevate yourself by undermining others. Conceal your power and animosity until your target is vulnerable. Wait to strike until you hold the upper hand; victory is only fair when it's assured. After setting the trap, take a moment to revel before delivering the final blow. The spider's legs are meant to be shattered.
— Zinzerena's Preach to her follower in the dreams after their acceptance to the faith
  Zinzerena is revered as a defiant figure among the dissidents and outcasts within drow society. She manifests as a drow rogue adorned in a cloak and mask, displaying remarkable agility. Her cloak possesses abilities of displacement and protection, while her shortsword administers a paralyzing venom. Additionally, she wields a black-handled crop, employed to stun her prey, which also harbors the capabilities of a wand of wonder. Her symbol, the draped sword, embodies her concealed threat.   Zinzerena is known for her industrious nature in Drowseuessiri culture.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Zinzerena is revered by drow seeking liberation from the dominion of Lolth's priesthood. She serves as a matron to both assassins and illusionists, with members of the Revolutionary League, a planar faction, also venerating her.   The teachings of Zinzerena are transmitted through oral folklore, as her faith holds no sway within the upper echelons of drow society. Her legends typically narrate instances of her patiently biding her time until her adversaries are vulnerable or negligent before striking, and accounts of her origins often depict her as indigenous to the locale in which the stories are recounted. Clerics devoted to Zinzerena frequently pursue dual roles as fighters or rogues. While they are more prevalent in the opulent cities of the drow, they can be encountered across various regions, as even noble households employ commoners among their ranks.   Only the most unconventional among the noble class would dare to join her priesthood, although a few have ventured into its ranks; inevitably, upon discovery, they are ostracized as traitors to their societal stature. Paradoxically, these ousted nobles often ascend to prominent roles within Zinzerena's clergy, as they possess superior education and extensive political acumen. Her clerics assume a diverse array of occupations, ranging from simple rogues to laborers, guides, physicians, poets, prostitutes, or virtually any other profession. What unites them all is a rebellious ethos and a fervent yearning for transformation. Despite this, scant knowledge of Zinzerena's cult has disseminated to the surface world.

Tenets of Faith

  • Elevate oneself through the downfall of others.
  • Conceal strength and animosity until adversaries are vulnerable.
  • Strike only when holding the upper hand; fairness in combat is disregarded.
  • Embrace cruelty, stealth, misdirection, and survival as indispensable virtues.
    Another proverb that is common is referring to Lolth, that the legs of the spider are made to be broken.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Zinzerena, known for her mastery of deception, often appears as an agile drow elf adorned in a cloak and mask. Her cloak, obtained from a slaad, distorts her presence and offers sporadic protection, while her sword, acquired from the same source, possesses an unpredictable magical venom. Additionally, she wields a black-handled crop capable of stunning adversaries and invoking wondrous effects akin to those of a wand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and legends

Zinzerena's apotheosis
Zinzerena entered the world as a drow mage gifted in the art of illusion magic. To protect her from the clutches of Lolth's priestesses, her mother staged her demise, enabling her to escape unnoticed. Over time, she honed her abilities in isolation, evolving into a formidable spellcaster and assassin, with a particular focus on poison and disguise. Her ascension to divinity was achieved through cunning manipulation, as she deceived Keptolo, Lolth's consort, into relinquishing a portion of his power.  
Zinzerena once ventured into a beholder's den, only to stumble upon a fierce battle between the beholder and a slaad. Exhibiting the typical drow caution, she bided her time until the conflict concluded, leaving the beholder weakened and the slaad defeated. Seizing the opportunity, she emerged from concealment, swiftly dispatching her adversary and seizing a sword and cloak left behind by the slain slaad. Employing her skills in illusion, disguise, and trickery, she successfully thwarted the attempts of subsequent slaadi to reclaim the stolen items.  
Ervenius' Lover
Legend tells of Ella'li, a malevolent deity believed to have once been a drow, with whom the young Ervenius formed a bond. As the tale goes, Ervenius eventually betrayed her, driven by suspicion regarding her true origins and apprehension that her inherently good nature might never truly manifest, despite glimpses of it.
The Hunted;
The Princess of the Outcasts;
The Scorned;
Shadow Mistress;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power, Aspect of Ella'li
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Lies, Illusion, Poison, disease, Hurt, Agony, Suffering, Torture, Deception, Humiliation, Ambush, Chaos, Assassination, Artificiers
Artifice, Chaos (None), Charm (Captivation, Lust), Elf, Liberation, Luck (Fate), Magic (Alchemy, Arcane), Trickery (Deception, Espionage, Innuendo)
The draped sword
Assassins, drow outcasts, malcontents, rakes
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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