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Capital city of Iropolis

“I have received a vision, a great image in my dreams with a booming voice. In my vision Erathis calls me to the Gray mountains of Losaria…” these were the words first uttered by Irileth to the legion assigned to House Eraseth in Souropos when she called on her people to join her. Irileth had envisioned a great city, a bastion of civilization east of the Gray mountains in a certain part of the countryside.   That city is now the great metropolis of Iropolis, Capital of the Losarian Empire, seat of the Monarch of Myrto. It for long was a city state much like the great cities north of the river Irileth. The idea of a continental empire was never the intent of Irileth the Settler. Such ideas came from her offspring of House Eraseth and wouldn't be realized until Isabella proclaimed herself Empress of Losaria.   Iropolis consists of 6 districts, and as a capital with a population of 175.000, there are important buildings all throughout those districts. This includes Embassies, Guild houses, and temples. In the city there are specific temples to all gods except for Melora, Sehanine and Avandra, somewhere in the past the worship of these Gods was deemed as deviant and thus you would be hard pressed in finding temples in this city

Palace Ward

part of the old city, is home to the Palace of Sun's Grace. The residence and seat of the Losarian emperor Aramis Tissareth II is a large palatial building encircled by great white walls. The central building is built like a large dome that towers over the city on top of the hill of the old city, all of the staff of the imperial family lives in house. The Ward is also home to Eraseth manor, the home of the Prime Counsellor, the Therosian Embassy, and Quiraia's Garden. Two of the city's most important temples are located in the ward, the Temple of Bahamut and the Church of Law. The Church is joined by Tavern Row. The Church of Law is dedicated to the patron God Erathis, the Lawbearer, members of the imperial family get blessed in the cathedral. Eraseth manor is a stately manorhouse used by the closest advisor to the ruling emperor, it is built like a tower with spires and accnets that add to the regal view.

University Quarter

2nd half of the old city, houses the empire's foremost hall of education, the University of Eraseth and the Osteroth Lecture Hall. This part of the city also houses Fort Valiant, the station of the local military and the location of the city's dungeons. On the north side of the quarter stand the Church of The Sun and the Temple of Corellon. The University of Eraseth is home to the brightest minds of the empire and beyond, the University is elite and provides education and research. Osteroth Lecture Hall, is a seperate library and educational institution named after the now lost House Osteroth, a cadet branch of the Eraseth family.  Fort Valiant, as stated, houses the command of the local military, the imposing grey-stone castle is built onto the rock side of the central hill. Due to this the castle soars over the south part of the city. There is an entrance into the subteranean tunnels of the dungeons in Dragons' Scar.


The mercantile part of the city, is characterized by Empress avenue, a wide promenade with many shops and market stalls. At the centre of the avenue lies the Grand Market which is flanked by the Hall of Solace, a temple to Moradin, and Silverside Keep, a part residential part military fort on the south-east wall. Anyone up for a drink or willing to discuss business will visit the Twin Kobolds inn and tavern. The shops of Empress avenue cater to many things, fashion, food, armour, weapons, magic items and many other things, you are incredibly likely to find whatever you need on the avenue or on the Grand Market, if you dont youre sure to figure out where you do. 

Dragon's Scar

Silversides' impoverished reflection, was largely destroyed during the attack from the Coloured Wind. Thus, the district is new but crowded and winding, the central market street is known as the Crowded Market. The market is a place where if aksed correctly other stores and items become for sale. It's home to the poor of the city. Located in the district is the Cemetery of the Black Feather and the Temple of Kord. The Cemetary is the dedicated temple of the Raven Queen, the Godess of death. 

North Place Ward

Known as the residential area of the city, not much of note is located there. The streets are straighter and the buildings more neat. Located at the cliff-face is the Court of Faith, a slightly controversial temple to the Gods that don't have their own designated temple in the city. The Court caters to followers of Mellora, Sehanine and Avandra, this worship is not criminalized but is viewed as deviant. For a cheap stay hit up the Broken bee inn.

Manor District

Home to the Polimistes, the district is marked by manor houses and rich residents. Most notably it is home to the Counsellors' Estate, the official second residence of the many counsellors of the Emperor. The most impressive residence in the district is Underbraid Manor, home to the dwarvish Underbraid family. In the Manor district is the Headquarters of the  
Irileth had envisioned a great city, a bastion of civilization east of the Gray mountains in a certain part of the countryside.   That city is now the great metropolis of Iropolis, Capital of the Losarian Empire, seat of the Monarch of Myrto. It for long was a city state much like the great cities north of the river Irileth. The idea of a continental empire was never the intent of Irileth the Settler. Such ideas came from her offspring of House Eraseth and wouldn't be realized until Isabella proclaimed herself Empress of Losaria.   Iropolis consists of 6 districts, and as a capital with a population of 175.000, there are important buildings all throughout those districts. This includes Embassies, Guild houses, and temples. In the city there are specific temples to all gods except for Melora, Sehanine and Avandra, somewhere in the past the worship of these Gods was deemed as deviant and thus you would be hard pressed in finding temples in this city


Iropolis counts ~175,000 inhabitants around 65% Human, 8% Elves, 7% Halfling and 20% other races.
Founding Date
around 500 years pre Banishment
Alternative Name(s)
Sun seat
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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