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Prime Counselor Jon Renfric

Prime Counselor, Chosen of Isayth Edwyrd Jonas Renfric (a.k.a. Sword of Iroas, Voice of the Empire)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Renfric is in perfect physical condition, he is a fit man who can serve mentally and physically.

Body Features

Renfric is built like any Potamer, bronze skin from head to toe, with an athletic physique. Maroon hair on the top of his head. Due to his Half-elven origin, the points of his ears are shorter than full-blooded elves. In the centre of his chest, he has a tattoo of the symbol of Corellon, on his right shoulder he has the Myrtosian sun tattooed and on his left are the names of his three children: Faris, Yseult and Avon.

Facial Features

a clearly elven face on a human head, Renfric has refined, beautiful features. small nose, full beard.

Identifying Characteristics

fiery orange eyes.

Special abilities

light magical abilities. his usual abilities are those of research and words

Apparel & Accessories

Maroon and brown robes, fitting tightly held to his waist with a sash of similar colours to the robe. darker brown boots, thick golden chain like that of a Mayor. on his hip is a thin shortsword that looks more ceremonious than an armament.   under the robe is a buttoned vest with a scarf and a white shirt that compares nicely to his bronze skin.

Specialized Equipment

on the inside of his robe are smaller knives and poisons of his own design. the shortsword seams enchanted

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Edwyrd Jonas Renfric was born on the 20th of Bressundar 745 Post Division to a family on the outskirts of Isayth in the province of Myrto. The Renfrics were on the poorer side but worked in service of the Crown in return for food. Jon, as he would later prefer to be called, was enrolled in the Isayth General Educational Institute as a young lad. There he was bullied for being a Half-elf, his father had given up his status as an aristocrat to be with Rikke, Jons mother. This was highly unusual for people of elven descent. When Jon became old enough his grandparents, who were on the lower end of the aristocracy had him enrolled in the school. Rikke had pleaded with Jons grandmother for her patronage. She obliged and enrolled Jonas in The IGEI to start Jons development.   Jonas proved himself to be an exceptional student and was permitted extracurricular activities. He took up sword arts, debating and alchemy. After his graduation at age 12, he started a Mastership at an alchemy shop where he learned the art of making powerful potions and potent poisons. At 17 he pleaded to his grandmother to send him to Iropolis for further development. She conceded and gave him a letter of recommendation to enrol in the University of Eraseth.   At Eraseth Jonas, now aged 18, grew to be a valuable member of society, joining the organisation known as the Anakrisi to keep an eye on his fellow students and professors. His inexplicable talent of hiding in plain sight was appreciated by several operatives of the Anakrisi. This culminated in a careful life of historical research, diplomatic moves, wild parties with socialites and many other things that would mould him into the man that he is today. After he discovered that he was bisexual he was forced to take relations with people he didn't want to as part of his spy work, This deterred him from feeling free in his sexuality and made him an important figure in the fight for equal rights for LGBT+ individuals. He tried having relations with a male Drow at 21 but this person turned out to be an associate of the Therosian secret service.   At 23 he graduated from Historical and Political Studies, Advanced Alchemy and Tactical Combat Studies from the University of Eraseth. Upon recommendation of his superior officer and initial scout for the Anakrisi Jonas chose to become an operative doing espionage and diplomatic work in Vildrun, Trodworth and Muriax. When Jon was 24 Emperor Aramis I died (aged 156), being succeeded by his son Moradan. Not focussing on leading a very much quiet life, Jon became a Losarian diplomat in Avonford at the age of 30.   740 marries a Greadorian Elf from Arnfell.   He holds this position for 10 years when in 785 he is called back to Iropolis at the behest of Emperor Moradan. Jon is asked to become Prime counsellor to the crown. The overly ambitious Renfric agrees to hold the position and be in charge of the tutoring of the then 17-year-old heir Aramis II. Jon would prepare Aramis for the throne.   On the 15th day of Thunsheer 801 PD Moradan is found dead in his chambers aged 151. Aramis Tissareth II is crowned Emperor of Losaria, King of Myrto at age 33. He named Edwyrd Jon Renfric Prime counsellor of the Crown.   12 years later we are in present-day 28th of Thunsheer 813, 2 days after Aluak the Baron of the blaze was released from his prison in the volcano of Eros.


Bisexual, though he is married to a woman and favours female company during his life he has felt attracted to many different people


  • was enrolled in the Isayth General Educational Institute as a young lad. 
  • Jonas proved himself to be an exceptional student and was permitted extracurricular activities. He took up sword arts, debating and alchemy. After his graduation at age 12, he started a Mastership at an alchemy shop where he learned the art of making powerful potions and potent poisons. At 17 he pleaded to his grandmother to send him to Iropolis for further development. She conceded and gave him a letter of recommendation to enrol in the University of Eraseth.
  • At 23 he graduated from Historical and Political Studies, Advanced Alchemy and Tactical Combat Studies from the University of Eraseth.


  • Started out as a simple alchemy lab helper (757)
  • was enlisted early on in college to do work for the Anakrisi (763)
  • at 21 due to his position, Jonas was forced by a superior to take jobs as a courtesan and retrieve info in that way. Jonas worked this job under an alias. (766) later in life he had many of his former clients killed or their memories altered.
  • 768 after graduating agreed to become a full-fledged member of the Anakrisi (was somewhat forced to do it)
  • after working as an operative and diplomat all over the world. He is asked to fulfil an Ambassadorship in Avonford. (775)
  • after 10 years of working as the ambassador for the empire in Avonford Edwyrd Jonas Renfric is called to become the right hand of the Emperor. (785)
  • 813 modern-day still prime counsellor different emperor

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Perfect student at The Isayth General Education Institute
  • One of the most effective operatives in service of The Anakrisi
  • rising from son of simple public servants to one of the most powerful political people in the world

Failures & Embarrassments

  • the manipulation at the hands of the superiors of the Anakrisi

Mental Trauma

During the earlier parts of his life, he experienced bullying for being a poor Half-elf. an unusual sight in Losaria. Due to the status he and his family lived with, he suppressed his bisexual identity.   When at 21 he found out that the man he was having an affair with was a spy he notified his superiors. They took this information and blackmailed him into doing sex work as a means of gathering intel on the various socialites of Iropolis. This started a circle of abuse with which he still lives today.

Intellectual Characteristics

Renfric is a smart man, being trained in alchemy, politics and espionage.   he is a calculating mind using his words to his advantage, his sword is the last thing he'll try to use but wouldn't hesitate to use his combat skills for their intended purpose

Morality & Philosophy

Freedom is gained through hard work and dedication.


Discrimination of any kind should be punished, but serving any god deemed dangerous to society will beget my wrath

Personality Characteristics


  • he grew up with a lack of power, no influence in changing his situation
  • He felt powerless to the whims of the Anakrisi
  • for himself and his family
  • his children and his wife are his everything and will protect them at any cost

Virtues & Personality perks

Charismatic if stoic at the right times. clever and calculating knows how his intellect should be used

Vices & Personality flaws

He believes that his past work for the Anakrisi would be enough for him to lose it all. as a countermeasure he owns a house in Arnfell where he could flee with his family if things go south in the world

Personality Quirks

When he is tense he will fidget with his rings, namely his dual ring of teleportation which can take him to his sanctuary in Greador


He values his hygiene, those who know his past think its attributed to being poor or the indentured servitude he experienced



He is loved for his handling of the transition period between the death of Emperor Moradan and the ascension of Aramis II furthermore, he is loved for his intriguing words and opinions on many issues around the world.

Contacts & Relations

He has professional relations with:
  • The council of Losaria, Chairman, Prime Counsellor
  • A seat on the Wilds of Vildrun
  • A position as one of the Silver Hands
he leads the Anakrisi. a deep personal relationship with the current Emperor ties with the headmasters of Trodworth and Trifora Diplomatic relationship with the leaders of Avga-Potamia   Husband to Ellarian Renfric-Gilgolor Father to Faris Eldar Renfric, Yseult Vera Renfric and Avon Morad Renfric Friend and employer of Harold Talldew

Family Ties

Grandparents used to be lower-level aristocrats in Myrto   Wife: Ellarian Gilgolor, originally from Arnfell in Greador. Ellarian, Ella for short, met Renfric when he was starting out as ambassador. after a night of celebrations kissed. Renfric shocked at the advances of the Elf pushed her away, Ella curious at the reaction inquired about this mysterious Myrtosian. He reluctantly confided in her, leaving out the part that he still was a spy, opening his heart for the first time in years. He fell for her and 5 to 4 years later they married.
Ellarin from Arnfell, wife to Edwyrd Jonas Renfric.   1 year after their marriage Faris was born the eldest son and heir to the Renfric name (781). In 785, before being appointed Prime Counsellor, Yseult was born. in 788 Their final child is born and they named them Avon.

Religious Views

Follows the Alliance of Dawn, mainly Corellon. Despises the Dark Pact and their followers the Whisperers.

Social Aptitude

Slightly introverted and closed off but very charismatic.

Hobbies & Pets

Owns a dog, Felder, whom he loves most dearly   he loves to write, paint and play the lute.


Prime Counselor Jon Renfric

teacher, Adviser, Right hand (Important)

Towards Emperor Aramis Tissareth II



Emperor Aramis Tissareth II

Emperor, Ward, trustee (Vital)

Towards Prime Counselor Jon Renfric



Nicknames & Petnames

when Jon arrived in Iropolis in 785 PD he addressed the prince by his proper titles but grew to call Aramis Arry, only in closed spaces. Aramis grew to call him Edwyrd, Eddy and Uncle

Relationship Reasoning

When Renfric agreed to become the new Prime Counselor he was assigned the task of teaching young Aramis about the world. Later, the new Emperor had grown close to him. their relationship grew into a nephew uncle relationship.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

the Good of the realm. tournaments, women and fine art

Shared Secrets

involvement in the death of vildrun aristocrat Lord Umarat. Aramis had pushed him down the stairs. Renfric helped cover it up. Drow princess Adria of house Umarat is keen on finding those responsible for her father's death.

Shared Acquaintances

former emperor Moradan Tissareth,

Wealth & Financial state

He went from working-class to middle-class operative to one of the most powerful people in the world
  • He owns multiple properties: Eraseth manor in Iropolis, The Renfric Estate in the province of Myro outside Isayth, a house in the woods near Arnfell 
  • he gets income from taxes and multiple business ventures. 
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
On a diplomatic mission to Thereus to discuss the rise of Aluak
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prime Counsellor, given to him when he took the position in 785 PD
Date of Birth
20th of Brussendar 745 PD
Circumstances of Birth
prophesised by a local fortune teller
Isayth, Myrto
traditional elven male. doesnt shy away from eyeliner
Orange, normal sized, open
dark red with tufts of gray on the sides. short sides with a side part
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned like most elves who trace their lineage to the Dawn
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Take Löften, the Auralians, the Ravens, they've taken a piece of desert and oasis and called it a meaningful addition to their realm. While their colonial forces export fine fabrics and missionaries from Achra-Zarkan the Dwarves of Dashingfall in the east are speaking of rising up with their brothers from Gaelia, the elves of Arnfell are starving in their woods for unknown reasons. They hold The Jewel of The Night but can't keep their riches at home alive." -concerning the empires stance on colonies   "Giving the elves of Vildrun their own autonomous council under the crown of the Empire is valuable. We've created a society in those woods where the belief of safety comes through the taxes and military presence we provide." -concerning Vildruns position in the Empire
Follows the alliance of dawn, specific connection to Corellon
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, common, ancient Losarian. knows thieves cant able to understand some words in Greadorian


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