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The Dark Pact

The Dark Pantheon

Below you'll find a list of the Dark Pact. This list will include The original members of the Pact. The Dark pact are the entities who strayed from the ideals of the Time before and through grief embraced the destructive chaos of the Primordial Titans or grew selfish of their own creations. The Lords of evil only work together their goals align, this splintered alliance allowed the Alliance of Dawn to prosper and defeat the Dark Pact.  

Asmodeus, The Lord of the Nine Hells

The devil god of the Hells is the master of Tyranny and domination. His words are honeyed and carefully crafted, soothing and corrupting the mortal heart. Asmodeus rules his domain with an iron fist, and the punishments awaiting those that cross him are the basis of nightmares. Evil entities pay him tribute alongside his devils, and many warlocks are drawn to his power. Asmodeus lords over his fiendish hordes from within his fortress of Nalsheem, nestled in the depths of Nessus, the ninth and deepest of the Nine Hells.


A twisted image of the celestial blood that once bore him, the Lord of the Nine Hells is revealed in many tomes and murals as a handsome humanoid with dee, red skin and long, black hair. Two curling horns rise from his brow, and his lips bear an eternal, knowing grin.


Asmodeus's enemies are numerous, even among the Dark Pact, many of whom only follow the archdevil for fear of his immense power. His archnemesis is Evandra, the Change Bringer, whose mischief and cunning has vexed him throughout the eons. It was she who defeated him in the Final battle at Umbrathal by tricking him in attacking Bane the Strife emperor. After which Ioun banished him to his fortress in Nessus.


  • Assert dominance and power over others. Show your strength of will in the image of the Asmodeus.
  • Repay cruelty done unto you with further evil. If others show you kindness, exploit it.
  • As you ascend to power, do not pity or show mercy to those you climb over to get there. Compassion is for the weak.

Bane, The Strife Emperor

Blood-drenched armies of brutal warriors oft crush their foes in the name of Bane, the evil patron of war and conquest. To serve his will is to accept the call to conflict, seeking lesser people to break and subjugate. Warmongering nations and goblike tribes worship the Strife Emperor as they strike out at the world to bend it beneath them. Bane twists all living things to his iron will, forcing even nature itself to bow to his whims. Bane plots his conquest of the planes from within the bastion of Banehold, towering among the blood-soaked battlefields of Acheron.


Bane is often depicted as a brutish, ogre-like man clad from head to toe in jagged black armour. Heads dangle from his belt, and the shadows that obscure his helmeted face do not hide his yellow eyes.


The Strife Emperor's greatest enemy is Melora, who represents the freedom that Bane wishes to control and subjugate. He grew his armies by corrupting noble creatures into monsters and destroying the wilds to fuel his terrible engines of conflict, and the two deities clashed many times during the war before his defeat at Umbrathal.


  • Fear is your ally. Conquer your fear and inspire it in your foes.
  • Disorder and rebellion are to be punished severely.
  • Combat is the greatest gift, and perfecting your skills to master it is the greatest pursuit.

Gruumsh, The Ruiner

Gruumsh commands hordes of barbaric marauders to destroy, pillage and slaughter for the sheer joy of it. Orderless and without honor, the creeds of the evil hordemaster urge savage creatures to devour the world around them, giving into the chaotic and selfish nature of the predator. A number of violent clans of humanoids and beasts across the Howling fields, the Titans Garden and the Fields of Kestorro pay hommage to Gruumsh, asking him to bless their hunts and gift them with spoils worth ruining. Gruumsh rules the barren plains of Nishrek in the chaotic realm of Acheron, where he stokes the fury of his twisted armies and prepares to wage violent wars across the planes.


Primitive Clay representations in barbaric communities of his followers show the Ruiner as a hulking, bulbous behemoth of an orog, the visage of a corrupted orc. His missing eye has shifted, and the prominent eye is now centred in his face, like a nightmarish cyclops.


Corellon stabbed out Gruumsh's eye during their battle above the City of Ithil Galad before The Ruiner gained his name. The god of slaughter longs for the day he can return the favor twofold. Those who serve the Ruiner are sometimes hypnotized by his hateful rage from across the Divine Gate and fall into a strange bloodlust, longing to slaughter elves and those who worship magic at the altar of the Arch Heart. He also despises Melora, who originally created the Orcs. Gruumsh was jealous was of Melora for her "ownership" of the Orcs. The Ruiner now has vowed to destroy the sanctity of Orcish existence and to disrupt nature where possible.


  • Ruin. Conquer. Kill.
  • The weak exist to be crushed by the strong. Be the Strong.
  • There are no emotions but fury and joy. The rest are weakness.

Lolth, The Spider Queen

The evil god of deceit, shadows, and spiders, Lolth weaves a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipper, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power. It is said that the Spider Queen can see through the eyes of all spiders, and that she is truly all-knowing. Lolth's worship was entwined with the society of Dark elves across much of Theraxis, but she lost her influence after the Final conflict at Umbrathal, when the Alliance of Dawn granted new freedom to the corrupted Drow. This slight has drawn her venomous hatred, and she now seeks vengeance against those who betrayed her. Some cults of Lolth still survive in the Underdark and wish to expand her influence on the surface dwellers of Theraxis. Lolth sends forth her corrupting poisons and whispers from her realm of the Demonweb, which is tethered to the Abyss and home to her many spider children.


Many Lolthite icons and her idols show an alluring woman with dark purple skin and silver hair, her abdomen swelling into the terrifying body of a monstrous spider.


Lolth holds a searing grudge against Kord, the Storm Lord, he tricked her into leaving the mighty fortress in the Howling Fields known as Gawad Mindin. There with one throw of his mighty thunderspear he impaled her upon the fields, banishing her to the Demonweb. Lolth and Gruumsh also share a burning hatred for Corellon, whom she claims used her children against her. The Drow believe that Corellon created them and that Lolth corrupted them, those loyal to Lolth believe the opposite. Lolth often manipulates Gruumsh's followers into attacking those who oppose her.


  • It is better to be loved than feared, but you may certainly try to be both.
  • Misdirection, slander and shadowed steps have more function than direct conflict.
  • Death to the elves who live under the sun, and death to all their allies.

Tharizdun, The Chained Oblivion

It is Darkness unending, less like a god and more like another world. Life and death do not exist within Tharizdun, only utter destruction and madness. Even the other gods of the Dark Pact treat this mad god with caution. In its endless imprisonment, Tharizdun dreams the infinite depths of the Abyss into reality, along with all its demonic legions. The Alliance of Dawn had thought it locked away during the Shift and the Time Before until it returned during the events of The Eternal Rains. Now, its chaotic mind has fallen into more frightful dreams, imagining nightmarish aberrations into existence deep beneath Theraxis. The Chained Oblivion's demented cultists work without word from their twisted patron, awaiting the Terminus, when its freedom will be attained and all beings shall be consumed in deathlessness unending. Tharizdun is believed to be chained in the deepest pits of the Abyss, bound by Devine shackles that slowly weaken, leaking its madness into the planes.


Few visual attempts to depict Tharizdun exist, but the texts speak of a creature of rolling, hungry ink and darkness, a spreading cloud of lightless destruction born from a thousand ravenous mouths. Current references show the nightmare constrained by chains o gold and black, barely keeping the dark at bay.


The few remaining followers of Ioun are dedicated to ensuring that Tharizdun is never again unchained. Ioun was badly wounded by the Chained Oblivion during the Final Conflict at Umbrathal. The battle nearly cost Ioun her Immortal life. Some say Ioun can only be fully restored if the Chained Oblivion is destroyed for good.


  • Offer and siphon power to Tharizdun until his liberation comes.
  • Uncover, restore and exalt forgotten shrines and relics in his honour.
  • Ruin and raze the realms to prepare for the Terminus.

Tiamat, The Scaled Tyrant

The evil queen of dragons is a fearsome god of greed, envy, and hoarded wealth. While chromatic Dragons are her foremost worshipers, namely the the cult known as the Coloured wind, Tiamat accepts the worship of any who crave wealth. All chromatic dragons have a fearful reverence for their tyrannical queen, burt manu dragons of near-deific power and ambition chafe under her rule. Tiamat remains imprisoned in Avernus, the first of the Nine Hells, influencing the souls of chromatic dragons across the planes and seeking the means to free herself.


Most representations of Tiamat exist as warnings within sanctuaries of the Platinum Dragon Bahamut. She isshown as a drake of frightful size, with massive leathery wings spreading clouds of poisonous mist. while she shouts from five vicious dragon heads, eacht one a chromatic color of ther evil children.


The Scaled tyrant's hatred for Bahamut is as old as the Time Before, and her cults are ever haunted by his justice. For centuries, the zealous paladins of Bahamut have limited her worship to the chromatic dragons, but a rise in cult activity in the Jidur Rain Forest, the Howling fields, and some of the lone islands on the Violent tides has the priests of the Platinum Dragonon edge.


  • Amass wealth, but spend little.The gold- and the power that comes with it- is sufficient reward in itself.
  • Do not forgive nor forget an indignity to yourself. Let no affront go unpunished
  • Take what you covet. Those without the strength to defent their dominion are not worthy to have one.

Torog, The Crawling King

The dark god of the endless tunnels and caverns beneath Theraxis, Torog is the patron of torturers, slavers, and jailers across the realms. His violent tears carved the pathways under the world, and his realm of imprisonment is a network of deadly caves and manacles from which few return. Creatures that wander the desolation of Carceri often construct prisons in his image. Those who rob others of their freedom offer prayers to him in cellars and other subterranean domains, and many creatures who live in the darkness below worship him and seek his guidance. Torog remains banished within an unknown sliver of the Far realm that now borders the deepest pits of the Underdark, where the boundaries between worlds grow thin, and birth terrible abominations bent on subjugation.  


The Crawling King is rendered as swollen, malformed worm that slithers through the dark below, with a screaming, hairless human head at the helm and three carving through the lightless rock.


During a battle with Pelor, the Dawnfather, and Sarenrae, The Everlight, Torog was forced to the surface above what is now known as the Narrow Badlands and the Scorching expanse. As he was forced above the surface he created what would be known as the Sundered canyon, The Withered Basin and the Basanite Ravine. In the Sundered canyon of the Narrow badlands Torog was struck by what was described as a Thousand spears of eternal sunlight. In his weakend state The Crawling King was banished to the Far Realm.


  • Seek and exalt places where no light touches.
  • Revedl in the pain you inflict on others, and relish the pain you suffer as an offering to Torog.
  • Imprison those who cannot restist you, and drag all life into darkness.

Zehir , The Cloaked Serpent

A wanderer in the shadows and the creator of snakes and serpentkin, Zehir is the evil god of poisons, assassins, and darkness. The ancient serpentkin worship him over all other deities, dragging screaming offerings to their temples in his honour. Most of the Cloaked Serpent's worshipers were annihilated during the Eternal Rains. Only the mighty serpent ruled city of Omyath, the City of Snakes, in the Jungle beyond the Reaching Peaks remains. Smaller communes exist on islands in the eternal ocean and far-view ocean, and some others survive in the Jidur Rain forest.Zehir subvertsand poisons Theraxis form the shadowed Towers of Night, Hidden among the ever-shifting winds of the Astral plane.


Many forgtotten temples were oncebuilt to the Cloaked Serpent, and within these chambers his image was embedded within much of the architecture. He is shown as a human body with six arms and a gargantuan serpentine head, fanged and frilled in aggresion. From the abdommen follows a long coiling snakeskin tail.


Zehir loathes Erathis and Melora, for he despises life, order and love above all things. His surviving worshipers use poison and fire to undermine civilisation and consume nature, hoping to infuriate both gods and cast Theraxis into chaos.


  • Keep your acts obfuscated and secret. The night is your greatest ally.
  • Strike quickly and without reason. Blind the target with their own confusion.
  • Kill slowly. Agonizingly. Or worse, make them enjoy it.
Religious, Pantheon
Subsidiary Organizations


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